Motivation is the driving force, the desire, aversion, or need to achieve a particular goal. The word motive suggests a sense of purpose. Motivation in psychology is described as an intrinsic or extrinsic need to achieve the desired goal or behaviour in psychology. Motivation is usually a stimulating process that leads to a change in behaviour. 

An example of motivation in psychology would be an individual understanding that his smoking addiction is dangerous. After that, he goes to therapy and rehab centres, thereby engaging in exercise to quit smoking which can also cause stress to the individual. Still, he goes through it because his motivation behind performing the behaviour is vital.
Types Of Motivation In Psychology

Motivation can be divided into two types as follows:

Intrinsic motivation: This the motivation that comes from the inside of the individual and is not directed towards a particular goal or outcome. The individual performs the behaviour because it is rewarding in itself. The individual feels happy and satisfied on performing the behaviour and is not doing it to achieve some reward. For example, a writer writes a book because he likes writing and not because he wants money, fame, etc.
Extrinsic motivation: This is the type of motivation based on achieving a desired outcome or goal. For example, an employee works daily not because he likes the work but because he wants better pay and a position in the company. 

These are the types of motivation in psychology.

Theories Of Motivation In Psychology

A few theories of motivation in psychology are :

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs: Maslow proposed a hierarchy of needs structure, a pyramidal structure of needs. He believed that needs follow a hierarchy, and lower-level needs are the most important and most substantial in any individual. As the lower levels of needs are satisfied, the individual moves up the pyramid structure and thus at an upper level of need hierarchy. The five levels of needs from the bottom towards the top include biological needs, security needs, social needs, esteem needs, and finally, needs of self-actualization. Maslow hypothesized that individuals move linearly and that higher levels of needs emerge when the lower levels are satisfied. 

ERG Theory by Clayton Alderfer: The ERG theory was simply a modified version of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. What Clayton did was basically, he merged biological, and security needs into Existence needs; and social and esteem needs into needs for Relatedness, while at the final level was growth as an individual, which meant the self-actualization of the individual resulting in the individual’s development.

Two-Factor Theory by Fredrick Herzberg: Herzberg proposed a theory of work motivation that can be used to analyze the motivation of employees in an organization. According to this, there are two factors of motivation in an organization: The first being, Hygiene factors which include pay, respect, yearly bonuses, the environment, etc., whose absence can result in dissatisfaction and a decrease in work motivation. The second factor is motivating factors that include a sense of achievement, status, praise, and growth, which can promote satisfaction and motivation.

B.F. Skinner’s Reinforcement Theory: Skinner’s theory of reinforcement involves three components of motivation:
Positive reinforcement: which motivates behaviour by providing an incentive. For example, chocolate after performing a task.
Negative reinforcement: which motivates behaviour by removing a negative situation. For example, when eating medicine to remove headaches.
Punishment: inclusion of something negative following behaviour to decrease its future occurrence. For example, scolding a child when homework is not done. 

Expectancy theory by Victor Vroom: According to Vroom, motivation is based on three factors:
Expectancy: the belief that a particular behaviour can be performed
Instrumentality: belief that the behaviour would lead to an expected outcome
Valence: the value that the individual attaches to the outcome

Thus are a few theories of motivation in psychology. The concept of motivation in psychology is indeed tricky and complex. Students can always access assignment help online when facing any trouble understanding the subject and doing assignments on time.