Do you ever feel you’re spending a large portion of your life reacting to events beyond your control? That by trying to juggle life, and work, and kids, and any other problem that pops up, you can’t ever seem to get a foothold? That the universe is conspiring against you?
Being in this situation is frustrating. You might feel resentful toward the world for throwing its hardships at you, or even blame yourself for feeling stuck.
But what if you have more control over your life than you realize? What if, by developing a positive attitude in your everyday, you can change the course of fate (or the universe, or whatever nefarious phenomenon strives to keep you down) and really make an impact on events that seem outside your control?
Think about the last time something bad happened to you. Have you ever considered that your thoughts and perspective might have made that bad situation worse, or even brought it on in the first place? Or that events like that might continue to happen until you understand what the universe is trying to tell you so you can learn, change and move forward?
By having a better understanding of how your thoughts control and influence your actions, you can learn to adjust what the universe seems to throw at you. Remember the reticulating activating system – that small portion of the brain that filters incoming information and affects what you pay attention to? By maintaining a negative outlook, you are telling your Reticulating Activating System (RAS) that your current existence is a bit gloomy. It will latch on to that information and filter out anything that doesn’t match what you’re feeding it.
To help you gain a more positive outlook and change what the stars might have in store for you, I would like to share some steps that can boost your attitude, help you achieve your goals and solve any nagging problems you’re currently facing.
1. Identify something you really want to achieve – and believe that you can do it.
Do you have a promotion in mind? Are you living in an apartment you hate and long for that condo by the lake? Are you looking to get in shape, eat healthier, start up a new business or earn that degree you’ve always wanted.
No matter the goal, big or small, long- or short-term, identify it. Trust that you will get there. Believe that it not only can happen, but it will happen.
2. Imagine what it will feel like to achieve your goal.
Take a moment to picture yourself standing in your new office. That feeling of accomplishment you’re imagining? How magnified will that feeling be when you’ve actually done it?
How about toiling away at those student loans for years? What feeling will you have when you finally send in that last payment? Relief? Hope? Joy? Hang on to those feelings. They will be a handhold for you when your day seems glum.
3. Picture it happening in your mind’s eye.
Imagine the act of accomplishing your task. How will you do it? What are the steps involved? Work through it in your mind. If you can tell your brain that you have accomplished your task a dozen times already, the actual process will seem less daunting.
4. Name three actions you can do on a daily basis to support your goal.
For example, if my goal were to set up a new business; every day I could make the commitment to research, to network, and to develop parts of a business plan. Over time, these little parts of my overall picture will add up. Before I know it, I’ll be running my own business.
Above all, remember to want it. Believe it will happen and expect that you’ll be successful. Once you manage to take charge and tell the universe there will be no more negativity, positive outcomes will be your well-earned reward.