I did a thing…
We have cable, and no one watches it. We pay a hefty bill for it. I was keen to cut the cable. My husband was not. And around and around it we went.
Feeling frustrated by the stubbornness of the man who didn’t watch it but wouldn’t let me be rid of it. There’s a theory that for men, watching TV is like fire gazing… it’s meditative, but I digress.
I was frustrated. And so I did a thing…I called the cable company, and explained my predicament to them. And we trimmed the programming. So now I’m paying less than half what I used to pay for it. That’s some serious $$$.
This is Yin.
For those of you that have heard that there’s Yin and there’s Yang and Yin is dark
while Yang is bright
and Yin is feminine while Yang is masculine, and Yin is inward facing while Yang is outward facing, I say to you that understanding the exact properties of each is academic. Fun, but academic. What’s key is balancing the two.
There’s a Yang way of enjoying success by going out and finding business and there’s a Yin way, which is by finding savings in a less obvious way.
Both are relevant, but let me tell you, that Yin juice is very heady. The Yin way is also much more personal to you – you decide what’s Yin to you and there’s always more Yin. And Yin can refuel you to have more Yang. It’s like the Yin puts the oomph into your Yang springboard