Over 60,000 people die every year because of an opioid overdose or a complication of opioid use. The opioid issue is a major crisis in America. To solve it, we need to refocus on what the underlying causes are. It is less of an opioid problem and more of a pain management problem. In this episode of #ASKDrJonas, I explain how we are able to solve the opioid crisis in America by taking a second look at how to treat pain.
Dr. Wayne Jonas answers the questions that every person, who truly values their health, wants to know in his new video series #AskDrJonas. He is an integrative health and health care expert, practicing family physician, researcher, widely published scientific investigator, and author of How Healing Works: Get Well and Stay Well Using Your Hidden Power to Heal. Dr. Jonas is the Executive Director of Samueli Integrative Health Programs, an effort supported by Henry and Susan Samueli to increase awareness and access to integrative health. Additionally, Dr. Jonas is a retired Lieutenant Colonel in the Medical Corps of the United States Army.