Leaders should be intentional in every move they make. sometimes we can be too open and honest but I’d rather be too open than have anyone feel unsure and insecure about their work environment.

If you’re feeling tension when you walk into the room, it is happening because trust has been broken along the way somehow in the company. Something has been miscommunicated or even not communicated at all and assumptions have begun.

Culture comes from the top. CEO’s often assume that everyone knows what is going on because he told “Mary” to make sure everyone knows. Now Mary has taken what she got out of the message and has now told John to get the message out. Now John is “summing it up” for everyone and all of a sudden that water cooler is filled with whispers and side eyes! Good CEOs will listen and see the employees. They cannot assume they understand you at every level. A good boss is involved. A good boss knows his company from top to bottom. That’s culture. There should be no assumption that your message is getting out properly.

It still boils down to trust. Bosses can make such a difference. CEO’s needs to have a staff that they can trust to relay the message properly. Trust can be broken so quickly by inefficient communication.

Sometimes companies just want the hustle. Build your culture. Build your 9-5 family. You will probably be with them more than your actual family at times. Know them. Be the boss that walks into the room and says ” Hey did little Johnny win the big game?!” or ” Hey Mary I know your son wasn’t feeling well yesterday, did he make it to school?”

Yes, this may take time out of your hustle. Our company meets every morning. At first, I’ll admit, I thought “Oh goodness, I don’t have time for this. ” Now, I wish we did it on the weekends too! I make sure I grab a fresh cup of coffee and sit down without any distractions. I really want to know how Beth’s daughter is after her first dirt bike accident. I can’t wait to hear about Scott’s newest Grandchild and I love David’s funny stories! That takes up about 10 minutes and then we are on to business. Updates on clients. Are we prepared for an upcoming meeting and my “topic of the day”.

This is called building Culture in your business. We have built trust and security within our company through effective communication.