They say you are never too old to do something different and that has certainly been shown by my mum, who has incorporated doing a few things differently as part of her normal daily routine.
Celebration Time

We celebrated my mum’s 80th birthday by throwing her a surprise party 3 days early 7th March 2020. Bringing together her friends and family from around the country. Little did we know that night would be the last time for a while she would be socially mingling like she used to do.
I live 200 miles away from my mum and on her birthday I brought her to my home for a few days and she spent many memory making moments with myself and my son. We had no idea what lay ahead.
She returned back home that following weekend and prepared for a new carpet to be delivered and lain the follow Tuesday. Then it happened………. That Monday lockdown appeared and no carpet could be laid and because of her health and age she had to stay home for the next 12 weeks. Without a lounge carpet. What bothered her more, for a lady who went out without fail every morning for at least 2 hours was the challenge of having to stay at home day in day out. But Mum being Mum, she never let it phase her. She took the challenge by the ‘horns’ and flourished.
The Challenge Begins………

Nothing holds this lady down. She is always up with the larks. Now, even though she isn’t going out for her usual 2 hours, she gets up at the same time, showers, does her hair and puts her makeup on.
She then goes into her garden and spends the time she would have been socializing with friends and family, socializing with mother nature. Getting the fresh air she is missing by not going out shopping or meeting her friends for coffee and cheesecake. (Her Wednesday morning ritual). If her neighbours happen to be around at the same time she stops and has a natter to pass away the morning. This is one of her adjustments to the challenge.
Mum’s norm with some small adjustments continues.
We speak every morning on the phone like we always do and she reflects on the previous day. I get the rundown on what she has planned for the day and what she has already achieved before 10am. For someone who lives on her own, she does her laundry every day and vaccums her bungelow daily.
I then get the update on the plants and birds and how they are doing in her garden. She informs me on who she has heard from in the family and friends who have called her. Finishing with her afternoon activities of jigsaw puzzles, newspaper and magazine puzzles. Oh and any news item she feels I need to know. As well as what she has cooked for lunch and what she is having for dinner. (Mum has her main meal at lunchtime and cooks everything from scratch). Amazing for a lady of 80 years young. She also does a lot of baking, pies, cakes, scones and more…………..
One of the main changes/challenges for her is that she is having to rely on my brother to order her groceries online and my sister to pick up the things not available that way. They both made me giggle last week as they are convinced she is either selling on her groceries with a pop up shop in her back garden, or giving them away to neighbours as she cannot possible eat what she is buying. When I speak with her and her groceries have just been delivered, she gives me a list of all the things that are not right with it fininsihing with the saying ‘ beggars can’t be chooser’. She does make me laugh.
Mum with her philosophical guidance
I never really realised before how philosophical mum is until now. When I ask her every morning how she is, her reply is…
“I am fine, safe and alive. I may have no carpet on my lounge floor, I have not been out since March 17th but their are people far worse of than me. I am grateful for all that I have. Things happen for a reason and that will come clear in the future if it is not already” Wise words.
What my mum has taught me during COVID 19

My mum has taught me that this gift I have been given, used wisely will change my life and many others lives for the better. She has strengthened my thankfulness and gratitude that I practiced everyday before COVOD 19 and more so now. Being thankful for what we have each day is more important than wasting energy on what we do not have. To rise each day and promote self care first like my mum continues to do, has taught me to allow my mind to stay focused on the beautiful human being she created and nurtured.
Although many see this as a difficult time and many have lost loved ones and more, there are opportunities surrounding us that we can reach out for and embrace.
Though many may not see that at the moment. People are more resilient than the think they are. There are huge lessons to be learnt and I believe a beautiful world waits us on the other side. A world that is clearer, without the fog of mass pollution. A world that has changed the way we interact with others. A world that has shown us what we can achieve when we think and look outside the box. A world full of opportunity. A world with more heart and kindness to our fellow man/woman and to Mother Nature herself.
A world in which this special lady I call Mum, has found a way to Thrive
Thank you Mum.