Let me share a theory with you which I have developed over the years as a Life Coach. When I do life assessments with my clients at the beginning of the session, I ask them about the contentment percentage in all the areas of their life and find out if they are happy with this percentage. Sometimes they look a little puzzled because they realize that they are not at all 100% happy in any areas of their life. Have you ever met anyone who is 100% percent content and happy? No, neither have I. So how high should the percentage be?
When you are on honeymoon after you have married the love of your life, you may momentarily be 100% happy but once the everyday routine of life sets in and you have to face unexpected challenges, this will change.
When you just landed your dream job after you have graduated cum laude from a top university your professional may be 100% perfect, again until routine sets in and there may be someone who you work with you drains your energy.
When you have moved into your new dream home, you may be 100% happy with your home life but once you get used to your new surroundings and the novelty wears off, this percentage will drop.
My theory is that, if we are over 70% happy in all areas of our life, we are on the right track. You may feel that this is a little low and of course, there is space for improvement. Attempting to be totally happy may actually stress and irritate us. Once we learn that happiness is within as, true contentment is a state of being and that our response to a situation defines how we feel and not the situation itself.
Once we start focusing on those areas which are going wonderfully well for us, then the other areas will become much easier to tackle. Once we realize that the secret to a happy life is not to get but to give and once we take full responsibility for all the results in our life, happiness will be a pleasant side effect.
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