Powerful people believe in things that make a real difference. They stick with what inspires and ignore what doesn’t. Check out these things powerful people don’t believe so you can become even more powerful.

1. They don’t believe they have to impress everyone

Powerful people don’t obsess about status or social updates. They spend less time image managing and more time designing a life of meaning. They know authenticity outweighs smoke and mirrors any day. They emphasize experiences that inspire others to become their best. And when people don’t like their approach, they move on, knowing they gave it all. They’re willing to be different even when everyone else isn’t.

2. They don’t believe it’s all about the finish line

Ever known someone who thought that achieving one goal would make them happy? Powerful people know better. They have goals that inspire, but they don’t let one single goal (with an end date) take over their life. They’re driven by an endless purpose that’s connected to things like creating unbreakable relationships, lifting the less fortunate, and changing the world. By thinking big, and executing small, they don’t get stuck in the past or future.

3. They don’t believe everything is all about them

Powerful people care about how they show up, but don’t obsess about themselves. Instead they look outward for ways to connect, and bring attention and empathy to those around them. They don’t let technology stop them from strengthening genuine relationships that last. Whenever they get showered with attention, they share it with those around them—family, friends, and the less fortunate. They’re always giving credit to others, knowing it builds positive momentum for everyone.

4. They don’t believe they’re above reaching out

When others go head down and skip past those in need, powerful people dive in to help. They put themselves out there constantly, giving whenever they can. And there’s something inherently innovative about how they serve. They don’t just check the box. They put their heart into reaching out to others even when it’s inconvenient and won’t pay them back in the moment. When they give they aren’t concerned about getting back. And they create a sharing loop by helping others in ways that matter most to them, inspiring them to be more, and elevating everyone in the process. When others hurt or disappoint them, they constantly take the high road, forgiving, and forging new opportunities by restoring trust.

5. They don’t believe in worrying about every little thing

Powerful people skip the stupid stuff. They cut waste out of their lives, opting out of irrelevance in favor of the essential. They know the value of pausing and recharging themselves in silence to get the revelation they need to move forward. And they aren’t afraid to say “No” when it matters most. By saying no, they know they’re saying “Yes” to the right things.

6. They don’t believe success is measured by money or fame

You’ll never find powerful people flaunting their money or fame. They realize that influence is forged first in the battlefields of the heart, where the win inside brings out the best of themselves to share with the world. And they weave their future based on action, not just aspiration. They recognize that what they think, say, and do is ultimately the fabric of their life that gives others something to hold onto in the inevitable storms. This is why they’re unwilling to ever ask anyone to do something they’re not willing to do themselves. They know the power of living it before expecting it from others.

7. They don’t believe career success can make up for failure at home

Powerful people put their home life ahead of things that don’t matter as much. They measure success by those who mean the most to them. This continuously fuels them forward through the challenges they face.

8. They don’t believe they have to have all the answers

They live in learning mode, and they’re not afraid to say “I don’t know.” They aren’t concerned about being surprised by new information and they actually enjoy the unexpected and ambiguous. This makes them agile and able to face challenges they’ve never seen before. It gives them confidence to create new paths, relying on the strengths of others, as well as their own, to build a better future together. They know that now it’s more about connection work than knowledge work, and they connect early and often. Powerful people bring silos together and unify unconnected individuals, teams, and experiences. They emphasize diversity of thought and create room for differing opinions, knowing the power of constructive discomfort.

9. They don’t believe they can change the world alone

Powerful people aren’t into one man shows. They know it takes a team, a village, and a band of brothers and sisters working together as one to make change. As they lead, they don’t hide from hard things—they face them head on and together, relying on collective soul power. They aren’t as concerned about making a name as they are about making a difference and leaving a mark that’s defined by the impact it has on others. They know their dent in the universe will be one that comes through combined efforts and a shared purpose that burns in the hearts of those around them.

10. They don’t believe in filling their mind with worthless information

Powerful people aren’t addicted to things that don’t benefit them or others. And they don’t feed their mind with garbage that threatens their relationships and how they think about others. Instead they constantly fill their consciousness with messages of compassion, courage, and charity. In a world where they’re often surrounded by the trivial, they put the truth first. And it makes them beloved and trusted by the many.

11. They don’t believe in disregarding their health

When the allure of past successes comes creeping in, they don’t drop their guard. They don’t let themselves get lazy, or put off sleep, exercise, or eating well. By giving their body what it needs, they offer themselves the ultimate gift: the power to be an instrument for good in ways that keep on giving.

12. They don’t believe that caffeine is the answer

Powerful people avoid stimulants including caffeine knowing they cause issues—depressive feelings, sleep deprivation, and even heart problems. They let it go in favor of natural highs they get through exercise, drinking plenty of water, and putting passion into everything they do.

What would you add to this list? How will you become even more powerful today?


  • Chris Deaver

    Influencer, Senior People Business Partner

    Influencing people with a limitless approach to empowering teams to be different together, creating the best work and making the world a better place.