It’s easy to hit the snooze button on that smartphone, then rush to work every morning, forgetting something and running out the door. It’s hard to build a routine, wake up early, and get your mind ready for a pre-morning routine.
Recently, before the New Year set off, my S.O. recommended watching Tony Robbins, “I Am Not Your Guru” on Netflix, notably “the best two hours you can spend on Netflix,” by inc. magazine. Although, I was skeptical at first, by the end of the segment, I wanted to find this so-called guru and understand his methods.
I had a pretty good year in 2016 and so my 2017 New Year’s resolution was to have more faith. As the New Year began, I started reading May McCarthy’s “The Path To Wealth” for my mentorship program. The program is about finding peace, building self-confidence, increasing mental clarity and accomplishing a few goals for your business to grow. In order for these to happen, you must be willing to go on a spiritual transformation.
Now with all these spiritual transformations, you may be cynical or think I’m delusional for believing in such stuff — but it works.
What all of these books, speakers, and programs out there in the world, one thing they ultimately had in common was one simple key ingredient — gratitude.
They all carried the same message: gratitude.
As Tony Robbins sat down with Oprah, and told her every morning, she should feel her heart (literally feel it pumping) and think of reasons she is grateful.
Tony Robbins’ 10-Minute Morning Ritual –
For years, life coach Tony Robbins has practiced a morning ritual that he says has provided the very foundation of who…
As McCarthy’s, “The Path To Wealth,” suggests committing to a daily practice of seven steps, and writing down three things we are grateful for each morning. This becomes a habit, a ritual, and self-discipline. If we bring routine into our life, we are more than likely to benefit from it’s effects.
Now, another tip on my go-to New Year’s resolution is of course, exercise.
I am beginning a once a week course focusing on highly intensive cardio workouts that I could do for 30 to 60 minutes right on my living room floor. These are videos straight from my laptop, so I don’t even have to leave my flat to walk to the gym in the winter cold when it’s snowing outside in London. This involves no extra weights and no machines, just the patience of your downstairs neighbors from all the jumping you’re going to be doing over the next 60 days.
This is not a sales advertisement and it doesn’t mean you have to purchase anything. You can simply log into YouTube and turn on a workout video for free. Or do yoga on your bedroom floor without having to pay for classes. It doesn’t matter what you do, if you like working out at the gym, then go for it. If you like running outside and prefer nature over the treadmill, as I personally do, then go for it. As long as you are getting some kind of exercise routinely that’s going to benefit your health in tremendous ways and boost your mood.
Lastly, the third go-to tip in the mornings is caffeine. Coffee is my drug and without it I simply cannot function. I need at least one cup in the morning to get me going and get that adrenaline kicking. Although Christmas is over, I still prefer sweet drinks such as Gingerbread lattes, and Salted Caramel lattes. If I can’t have Starbucks in the U.S., I’ll settle for Costa in the U.K. because at the end of the day coffee is coffee.
Gratitude, exercise, and coffee will get you a long way. Trust me.
These are my go-to tips to get started in the morning. You must do this everyday and create a self-discipline within yourself to become the best version of yourself and be successful in your career, business, and personal life.
Originally published at