We probably have a mentor – someone who has guided us, inspired us by their actions, by their functioning, by their choices, by their message or much more. There’s nothing wrong with that, on the contrary, it’s quite beneficial to have one.
Many people spend money on these trainings. Some gurus promise that everything will change just by being positive in all circumstances. Some say it’s a great approach, while others call it toxic positivity.
You need to identify the problem while focusing on finding solutions. Identifying the problem is a process that can potentially take time. You mustn’t bring intention to the problem, but acknowledge it. It’s essential to understand that various problems in life will continually arise. The mistake is to hide or avoid the problem – if you do it, there’ll be no evolution. If there was no problem, you wouldn’t be the great person you’ve become.
Repeating over and over that you’re wonderful in front of the mirror is meaningless and unfortunately, you’re going nowhere – if you do it, it means that you don’t have confidence with yourself. Sure, the act of repeating is a great technique, but it’s only beneficial for creating any kind of habit. You’re wonderful, but really ask yourself what’s the problem?
You don’t need external things to solve your problem. The best tool is only you. Your background and experiences have shaped you. You’re the best person to solve your problem. Books and trainings won’t solve your problems, but they’ll give you leverage to be aware of your current situation. Obviously, you learn, but keep in mind that the change will come and depend on you. Never forget that happiness is a combination of ingredients. The recipe is your story. You must cook like a chef.