I had my first child 31 years ago. In fact, I was in the hospital over Mother’s Day weekend. That was memorable!
When I used to ask my own mother what she wanted for Mother’s Day, she would usually say, “Peace and health.” She tells me that her own mother used to say “Every day is Mother’s Day.” (Personally, although I loved Nana Molly, I think that was wishful thinking.)
We got my mother and grandmother flowers and cards and sometimes fashion accessories because we couldn’t believe that someone didn’t actually want a surprise or a present to unwrap.
My adult daughters often also ask me what I want. I’ve spent the past few years downsizing and minimizing. My apartment is small and my walk-in closet is pretty full. Like my own mother (now 92), I find myself longing for intangibles and experiences, rather than “stuff.”
Although I do have an Amazon Wish List, what I REALLY want is:
- For my daughters and grandkids to live happy, fulfilled, and angst-free lives.
- To stay in great health and live many more years.
- A loyal and caring circle of friends who are there for me in good times and bad.
- Opportunities to earn a decent living regardless of my age or experience level. Ageism is rampant, and we need to work to build truly cross-generational workplaces.
- A regular column in Forbes or Fast Company. (Are any editors reading this? Hint, hint!)
- True love and romantic adventures, including soulful kisses in either Paris or Italy (by a committed and caring man, not a family member) and an occasional beach vacation, filled with sloth and sun and adult beverages with umbrellas or whimsical swizzle sticks.
I deserve all of that (and more) for raising two daughters while working full-time and for being a dutiful daughter to an aging mother of my own.
But, since none of that is available for overnight shipping, I’ll settle for some really exotic and fragrant flowers, a couple of handmade or well-curated off-the-shelf cards, and a phone call.
We mothers are, after all, a patient crew.
What’s on YOUR wish list this Mother’s Day?