How to set yourself up for business success - Melitta Campbell

For many people who want to start their own business, the hardest part is knowing exactly where to start.

Especially when there is so much to do, so much to learn, and so much contradictory advice.

This often leads new business owners to waste vast amounts of time, energy and resources on the wrong activities.

As a result, they often lose motivation and give up before their business gets started; without realising that their business could have succeeded, if only they had followed the right steps.

In this post, I’m going to share with you what I believe to be the essential things you need before you start your business, so you can start building your business the right way.

How to set yourself up for business success  

In my opinion, here’s what you to have before you start your own business:


There is the day you decide you want to start a business, then there is the day you decide to commit to and run your business like a business. You want to get to this second point as quickly as possible.

Many people start their own business for independence and freedom, but treat it as a job and never get the results they desire.

Even if you don’t know the exact steps to follow right now, commit to starting somewhere – the ‘how’ will reveal itself as you go.


You need to know exactly WHY you are starting your business, why it’s important to you and what you want it to do for you.

It also helps to know who you are going to help and what impact you want to have.

This is information, will help you to overcome your initial doubts and fears, keep you motivated even when times get tough, and help you connect with your tribe (supporters, mentors and clients). 


When you start anything new, you don’t know whether you will succeed or not, so you need a certain amount of faith in your ability to step out there and figure things out.

Many people will tell you that you are mad or it can’t be done, so you need to have enough self-belief to put their helpful advice to one side, feel the fear and start your business anyway. 


Starting your own business is not an easy option.

There will be days, sometimes weeks, when things don’t go according to plan, when people you trust let you down, and when you find yourself coming up against brick wall after brick wall.

You will only get through these times and come out the other side stronger if you have a deep passion for what you do.

It’s worth noting that the hard times are an important part of the journey. No one starts out in business as a successful entrepreneurs, it’s what you become in the process of making mistakes, learning and growing.

A Big Goal

You need to set yourself a clear goal so that you can develop a plan to follow that will consistently take you in the right direction and help you avoid distraction.

Your goal needs to be big enough to stretch you (think way beyond what you know you can already do and achieve), if it feels scarey and unattainable right now, don’t worry. As Jim Rohn explains, the purpose of a goal is not necessary to be reached, but to help you to continually grow in the right direction.

Once you have your big scary goal, break this down into small micro-steps, and start with the ones you can do right now. You want to be always looking at progress, not perfection.


While you may be about to step out into business for yourself, it’s important not to do so by yourself.

Success is always a team effort.

Look to create a ‘Success Circle’; a group of 2-5 people who understand your mission, and 100% want to see you achieve your goals and support you along the way – and for whom you’re willing to do the same.

These people will be invaluable as you start and grow your business.

Your success circle might include a coach or mentor, friends, people who have already acheived some success in their own business, people who you find inspiring etc.

If you haven’t already got a Success Circle, start building one as soon as possible. Approach people you find inspiring, introduce yourself to people who have already progressed along a similar path to the one you want to follow, attend networking events, ask for recommentations, or join a relevant group on Facebook or LinkedIn.

A final tip – Go for it!

When I started my own business just over a decade ago, I had no idea where to start or what to do. I was living abroad, my husband travelled for months at a time and my daughter was just 5-months old. The odds were against me, but I was determined to try.

I haven’t looked back since.

It’s not always easy, but the sense of achievement, the difference you can make in other people’s lives, and the way you will inspire others makes it all 100% worth it.

So if you want to start your own business, don’t hold back and waste time second-guessing yourself – just go for it!


  • Melitta Campbell

    Business Coach for Female Entrepreneurs

    Melitta Campbell is a Business Coach, Best-selling author and Speaker who uses her 25 years in business to help women grow in confidence and thrive in business.

    After noticing one too many talented and passionate women fall short of their vision to make a profit and a difference, she brought her business, leadership and marketing expertise together with her personal experiences of building three businesses around a young family, to become a trusted advisor and coach for female-led businesses.

    By combining best practice and theory with personalised support, mindset development and accountability, she helps female entrepreneurs upgrade their business skills, communicate their value, grow in credibility and confidence, and start enjoying more fulfilment and profit in as little as three-months.

    Melitta is also host of the Driven Female Entrepreneur Podcast, a TEDx speaker coach and the best-selling author behind the 'Shy Girl's Guide' book series, which starts with her A Shy Girl's Guide to Networking.

    Originally from the Wales in the UK, she now lives in Switzerland overlooking Lake Geneva with her husband and two daughters.