Selecting a life coach can be a daunting task. After all, you’re choosing someone that will deeply influence your life. The process also varies with each individual, as each person has their own priorities, needs, and ways of communicating. The following are good points to keep in mind as you begin the process.

Clear Results in Their Own Life

Ideally, you want to choose a coach you feel is worthy of your respect. Their own life should demonstrate that they aren’t “just talk.” Instead, they put their words into action. Ask yourself if the coach has achieved results you respect. Their life doesn’t have to look exactly how you would like yours to, but it should reflect positive growth in the areas in which you’re interested. For example, if you’re looking to become more confident, they should demonstrate strength and a clear sense of purpose.


Although it may seem obvious, a good life coach should be inspiring and passionate about their work. Look for someone who is genuinely excited to work by your side. Remember that enthusiasm is contagious. You’ll be more likely to be upbeat about your journey if you have someone who provides you with consistent positive support.


Successful life coaching relies heavily on a foundation of respect and trust. You’ll be spending many hours of your valuable time with your coach, so it’s important to choose someone you genuinely enjoy talking to and spending time with. A life coach’s job is to help you become more open and authentic, but this is impossible to do with someone you don’t trust. Trust your instincts, and choose someone that’s a good fit.


Seek someone who is always learning. Unfortunately, no life coach is perfect or all-knowing. A coach should realize that they always still have a lot to learn, and they should be actively seeking out ways to better their craft. Humility goes a long way. Find out if your potential life coach has a life coach themselves. This demonstrates that they value additional insight and understand what it’s like to be coached.


While you want someone with humility, you also need a coach with confidence. Confidence doesn’t mean that they act like they have all the answers. Instead it means that they know their worth, and are upfront about both their strengths and weaknesses. A confident life coach will be able to know whether or not they’ll be a good fit for you. Being confident means that they’ll also be comfortable with the unknown, and nothing you say will cause them to become flustered or unsure.

Finding someone you fit well with is the important first step of the journey you’ll take with a life coach. Ideally, you want a life coach who puts their words into action even in their own life, and is passionate about their work.

This article was originally published by Davia Ward on