Vision is the end game, it may not even be achievable in your lifetime or the next.  Nevertheless it’s a cause close to your heart and very important to you. Your Mission is the contribution you can make given your experience skills and education, to bring about your vision. It is what you get out of bed each day to do.  Your Purpose is the WHY!  Why You  get out of bed to undertake Your Mission in the creation of Your Vision.  IMPORTANTLY your purpose must make you feel worthy and needed or it probably doesn’t belong to you!

How Important is Purpose?

Just how important is Purpose?  In The Andreia Method we talk about Purpose as being the expression of your highest self.  The fundamental reason behind your existence.

The two most important days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why. – Mark Twain.

There is a theory, at the bottom of many acquired mental illness and/or addictions lays a lack of Purpose or the pursuit of a Purpose that is not truly yours.  In his book “Chasing the Scream; The First and Last Days of The War on Drugs” Johann Hari proposes the opposite to addiction is not abstinence it is connection. Humans are hard wired to connect if we cannot find connection to real people and causes we will connect to a substitute be it alcohol, drugs, sex…whatever fills the gap and covers for the lack of real connection.

Why Are We Wired for Connection?

Why? Why are we hard wired for connection?  In the developed world, we don’t need the herd to protect us.  We have law and order! “Love” or at least sex is a swipe right or left! Starvation is not likely and our basic health needs are catered for, to a greater or lesser extent depending on where in the world you live.  Being “Connected” won’t change that equation.  So why does being connected matter?

Connection gives us Purpose.  Purpose gives us a reason for living; it gives meaning to our existence.  Is Purpose is the answer to the old question why are we here? Maybe not on a species level but for an individual, I think so.  With Purpose life takes on new meaning, enabling experiences we were not aware of before, mainly because we weren’t looking for them!

In contrast life without a Purpose is meaningless. What separates us from the other animals is our ability to make meaning. The meaning making machine inside of our heads never sleeps. That is why purpose matters it helps direct your thinking. It is why leading a meaningful life matters.  Regardless of what you own, where you live or what you do, if it is not aligned with your purpose(s) in life it will eventually result in disillusionment, depression and a desperate need to connect on another level.  I know I’ve been there! (For more info go to About Us)

Purpose leads to satisfaction

The people who are most content with their lives are those who have purpose, living their lives in pursuit of their ideals and beliefs.  Almost without except these people give and receive love easily.  In contrast the unhappiest are those who are striving to achieve outcomes aligned with what they want other people to think of them rather than for their own Purposes.

Amongst the greatest gifts one can give oneself is to give up worrying about tomorrow and or regretting yesterday.  Be the best you can Be at Being who you really are every day and let the outcomes look after themselves. Funny this advice seems to be universal whether you are in pursuit of enlightenment or riches.   Have you ever heard “Look after the cents and the dollars will look after themselves”.  Same idea look after and focus on what is there for you to do. However ,you might want to take note of what Viktor Frankl had to say on the pursuit of money

For success, like happiness, cannot be pursued; it must ensue, and it only does so as the unintended side effect of one’s personal dedication to a cause greater than oneself or as the by-product of one’s surrender to a person other than oneself. – Viktor Frankl

Find Your Illusive Purpose

Finding your illusive purpose is key to Creating a New You.  If you want to live life on purpose rather than default you need to figure out what that purpose is and that’s where Andreia and The Andreia™ Method can help.  Finding your purpose is a process and often people need guidance and several iterations before they land on what’s important to them (vision) what they can do to help (mission) and why this is important to them (purpose).  If you would like to know more click here and get in touch with us.

Final words on this your Purpose must be connected to the greater good, something bigger than yourself. Purpose drives you, your Mission guides you and your Vision is the end game.

The purpose of your life is to discover your gift.  The meaning of your life is to give it your gift away. – David Viscott

Talk again soon
