Millions of couples around the world are struggling with their relationships, with many arriving at the conclusion that the only way their cherished loved can be salvaged in the long run is by taking a temporary break. As a matter of fact, however, taking a break often isn’t the right solution to your romantic troubles, especially if you’re sincerely invested in keeping your relationship alive for the long term.

Here’s a breakdown of when it’s a particularly bad time to take a break from your relationship, and what you should know about becoming separated from your partner, even temporarily.

Going to bed angry seldom helps

There’s an old adage that’s long served humankind well; don’t go to bed angry, the saying goes, and you’ll wake up in a better world. This isn’t only common sense, but indeed a scientifically-deduced principle that reminds us that our brains harbor negative emotions for longer if we go to bed when angry. Studies have long proven that resolving arguments before you head for bed is the healthiest way to ensure you and your partner sleep well.

This valuable advice should be liberally sprinkled across the whole of your relationship. When it comes to taking a break, you’ll seldom improve relations between you and your partner by walking away when you two are in a fierce disagreement. As a matter of fact, turning your back on a loved one, even temporarily, is a fantastic way to lose their trust forever. For most couples, the decision to take a break should either be replaced by a permanent breakup (if the relationship simply isn’t meant to be) or, more likely, by a decision to stick together and iron out your difficulties and differences.

If you ultimately decide that you simply need a break in your relationship in order to continue living in a healthy way, then make sure you don’t make the terrible mistake of temporarily putting things on hold at the wrong moment. Following the loss of a loved one, for instance, your partner may need you there if you ever intend to remain romantically involved with them in the future; you may think it’s common sense, but a surprisingly large amount of relationships end because one partner can’t endure helping out another with the loss of someone close to them.

There’s no magic, one-size-fits-all solution to determining when it’s a proper time to take a break, but you can expedite the process by specifically ironing out when it’s not the right time to do so. Right before a major trip for either one of you, for instance, or before a major financial decision, is often a less-than-ideal time for breaks if you intend for the relationship to be healthy in the future. Never let your sight drift from your long-term objective of a happy and healthy relationship with the person you love.

Breaks make real communication impossible

A cornerstone of any good relationship is impeccable communication between the partners involved. If you and your loved one aren’t speaking to one another, then you can’t possibly hope to deal with your issues or find common ground, let alone enjoy one another’s company with a vibrating cock ring. Thus, taking a break when there’s been a huge dispute between the two of you is a surefire way to guarantee your anger simmers and grows instead of eventually dissipating.

Many times, a break is really a secret way of essentially initiating the end of a relationship. Those looking for honest love shouldn’t belabor the point when it comes to ending an unloving relationship; rather, they should just cut the cord and be done with it, or realize there aren’t insurmountable hurdles in their relationship after all, and that it can be salvaged. A break hovers between the two in a dangerous way, however, without solving your problems while also generating additional conflict in your relationship. It’s imperative that you don’t use a minor dispute as an opportunity to take a breather from your lover, but instead sit down with one another and thoroughly communicate until the issue is resolved.

If you do decide to take a break in your
relationship, be aware of the pitfalls and be sure of how to go about doing it properly. Things
can backfire quite easily if you intend to actually salvage this relationship
in the future, and get ugly quick if you’re merely using a break as a
substitute for a real breakup. Above all else, never let silence grow to fill
the space between you and your partner, as this is a surefire way to ruin any
chances you have of ever being together forever. Breaks are sometimes necessary
for some couples, but shouldn’t be embarked upon lightly. Know the risks
associated with and how to handle temporary breaks, and you’ll have a more
solid relationship in no time. 


  • A digital nomad and an internet entrepreneur with a thirst for food and travel.