You did the vision board. You policed your mind for negative thoughts. You did daily 4-minute visualizations.

And, still…crickets.  The Universe seems silent in response.  There’s no Maserati. No overflowing bank account.  No perfect partner.

This happens to everyone.  It’s hard and it hurts, but it is also part of the process.  Consider it feedback.  A kind and generous Universe is giving you opportunity and information to clean up your energy. 

The object of your desire—something you want to do, be, have, or experience—currently exists in a thought form, a pattern of energy carrying its own vibrational signature. That you are not experiencing the object of your desire says that your energy pattern is not in alignment with it, and could even be repelling it.

The work of drawing it to you is to make the necessary changes within your energy pattern to create a vibrational match.

This is hard work! After all, if you knew how to change your energy to create the experience you want, you would have done it already. This is where you will discover the beautiful gift of living with intention. Once you launch your desires into thought form (or written form, which carries a stronger energetic signal), the energetic reactions that occur inform the direction of your change.

It may seem that intentional manifestation isn’t working for you when, in reality, you are being gifted with specific information you need to create the life your heart desires. How else could you know how to close the gap?

If you are not attracting the experience you long for, check your energy. Here are common ways we create energetic discordance that prevents the experience we desire:

1. Not Living in Alignment with Your Word

If you say you’re going to leave at 5, leave at 5.  If you say you’re going to the gym, go to the gym.  Do what you say you’ll do, or don’t say it.  Don’t even think it.  Certainly, don’t write it.  Don’t send the signal that what you say doesn’t matter. Such vibrational misalignments set you up to negate even your most intentional pronouncements.

2. Clutter

Whether physical, emotional, or mental, clutter blocks the energetic flow.  Look for clutter in your life and attack it.  Clear it out. Make lists.  Get a system.  Get help.

3. Blaming Something or Someone for Your Unhappiness

You cannot create the experience you want until you take 100% responsibility for the experience you are having.  This can be a very hard truth to accept, especially if bad things have happened to you.  Jack Canfield’s equation will help:  E+R=O.  The Event + Your Response = The Outcome.  You may not have had control over the event, but you do have control over your response, and that determines the outcome. If you dislike the outcomes you’ve experienced, see how you can change your response.

4. Thinking Negative Thoughts About Money

If you were money, would you want to come to you? If you think money is the cause of your unhappiness, the source of your stress, and the root of your problems, don’t expect more of it.  It’s going to flow to someone who respects it and treats it kindly.

5. Living in “No” Instead of “Yes”

“No” is an energetic buzz-kill, a door slamming in the face of the Universe, “return to sender” on an unopened gift.  You have no idea how the Universe is going to deliver your heart’s desire.  Keep all routes open.

6. Not Taking Action

God is the source, but we have the hands and feet.  The Universe can’t do for us, it can only do with us.  You have to do your part.  Get off the couch and into the world.  Take a step.  Get feedback. Adjust.  Take another step. Your risks will be rewarded.

7. Focusing on What You Don’t Have Rather Than on What You Have

Remember, what you focus on expands.  Reinforce positive neural networks in your brain by constantly affirming the good things you experience. Write them down. Speak your gratitude aloud.

8. Thinking That the Law of Attraction Isn’t Working

The Law of Attraction is ALWAYS working.  Everything that is in your life, you attracted.  Your place of power it to figure out why.

Ok, those were some hard truths.  Like ’em or not, now you know.  What are you going to do about it? Living in intention and manifesting your desires does not require perfection. Just continually move in the direction of greater clarity, higher energy and clearer purpose, and you will find yourself redirecting your life with every step.