When a feminine image is murdered, there is something in the atmosphere, which rings out into the air. There is an energy causing the Earth and atmosphere to shake. What is it about the feminine which causes the assessment of humanity, and their value to life? What is it about a woman’s presence, and ability to produce life, that awakens the minds of many, when her life has ended? And it is not through a natural realm. In fact, when a feminine life is taken, violently, it forces greater society to examine what is happening in the greater context of society.
Over and over we have discussed the consequences of violence. Often, it comes in the physical form. However, there are the emotional and mental consequences to violence. Consistently viewing images of persons from a specific community being targeted and shot down is more than tiring. It is a form of mental and emotional abuse. When such images are met with injustice, it had created a subtle numbness for many of the outside community. Its like drinking one’s daily dose of water. People become so numb to its very reality, that people merely expect it to happen, without any consequences. This remains true when it comes to Black American people. It not only remains a reality for the context of men, but also for the women of this particular community.
During the course of conversations, pertaining to the shooting of unarmed Black Americans in the United States of America, Black American men have often taken centered stage. They are often viewed as the face of racial injustice in this country. Yet, the numbers of Black American women-mothers, daughters, sisters, aunts, cousins, and lovers-have gone unknown . Rarely do they make the news, or are met with the same level of anguish, anger, and intensity as their male counterparts. The question pertains to this, in Black America, whose life is valued more? Whose life is deemed to be worthy of fighting for, when injustice rears its ugly tail?
For so many, the bodies of Black American women laying lifeless, after a police officer has misused the power of his badge has not seemed to carry the same weight and intensity. Similar levels of outrage are not given. And, it leaves one to question, why? Why is there a certain level of indifference, and disregard, within and outside of Black American communities, concerning the murders of Black American women? The psychology of male privilege is clearly, real! Even in death, it is apparent that the murders of Black American men have taken on a “more glorious” touch, in comparison to the lives of the women. The images of Black American men gunned down and lynched, are often met with the intensities of outrage and fierce demands to the streets. Rightfully so! Simultaneously, so should it be for Black American women.
The murders of Breonna Taylor, Atatiana Jefferson, and Sandra Bland, have only alluded to the names, and images, of other unnamed Black American women, who have been gunned down, and murdered by police officers. It is only in recent times, where their vigilance is allowed to occupy certain media spaces, as the men of their communities. What is it about the mental wellness and psyche of US society, which does not see the murder of Black American women, to be just as tragic? Seeing it as painful, because a life giver of the community has been murdered. Could it also be that Black American communities have been portrayed without our feminine image for so long, that we are seen as “Motherless?” Being indifferent, or not understanding that when the feminine image of a culture, people, or nation is attacked, it is a call for the slaughter on the very people. A call of destruction for the very existence of a people. This has not truly lingered in the psyche of the masses of Black American people.
As we address the invisibility of Black American women in the conversation of gun violence by police officers, it has also become very clear that US society, and the greater world, at large, has become adjusted to this lack of vigilance. This mental sickness in being content in seeing the removal of Black America’s feminine image. People have become addicted to the plight of Black American men, in the sense of needing to “save them.” Viewing them as born into a culture, and feminine presence, which supposedly, “hinders them.” Observing them as needing to be “rescued” from their own existence. This is especially true in the behaviors and actions from a number of non-Black American women, who come to enter into the communities; presenting themselves as the feminine image, coming to “save them” from their circumstances. Having no sympathy or care for the lives of Black American women, and bringing in their racist, and sexist, perceptions, as it pertains to the lives of Black American womanhood and identity. Secretly viewing themselves as “superior,’ and “better capable” of handling the plight of Black American men, than the women of their communities. Clearly, this ideology and perception, exists. And, its time that it ends.
The violence and gunning down of unarmed Black American women, is clearly indicating, and re-affirming, how this category of women are viewed as “less feminine.” Consistently removed from the image of “womanhood,” and therefore being seen as deserving as maltreatment with the same level of aggression, as their men. Such goes back to the her/history of slavery, in this country. Within the mental psyche of our framework , Black American womanhood, and identity, has not been viewed as deserving of gentility, protection, softness, as presented to other cultures of women.
The shooting and murder of Black American women is not even met with the same level of sadness, pain and loss. When Black American men are gunned down by the police, there is a pause. Clearly, in certain parts of the world, there is a stop. There is enough outrage. People are shaken, and especially within the Black American community, it is even more amplified. Frustrations are justified! However, what about the feminine? What happens when women of the community are slaughtered, in the way they have been? The reaction is not as equal. Could it be that many Black American communities are still rendered in the mental illness, in seeing themselves as not intertwined with their feminine complements. Continuing to see “struggle,” as synonymous with maleness. Not understanding, or being aware that societal structures impacting Black American communities are intertwined with both the masculine and feminine, energy principles. It has become apparent that games of oppression Olympics is taking place in conversations happening, in Black America.
As we continue to deal with the context of having to bridge forth an awareness into the shootings of unarmed Black American women, men, and children, let it be known that working through the gender politics of the conversation, is going to be a challenge. As we continue to push for more vigilance, and justice, in the killings of Sandra Bland, Breonna Taylor, and Atatiana Jefferson, one thing is for sure, our women, matter. Their lives matter, too. And, it’s important for Black America to re-claim the feminine aura and energy back into our communities. Re-channeling it as healer and as foundation. Bridging it back, and allowing it to immerse in the re-birth and sustaining of a community.
By viewing the shootings and murders of unarmed Black American women, to be just as relevant, our culture is returning to the root of disharmony and imbalance within the context of US soiling. Within our very foundation and her/history in the United States of America. Furthermore, what is necessary is understanding just how precious and sacred the maidens and mothers of our community are. Re-affirming the feminine tone within our very culture; while allowing her nurture to continue, and sustain the wellness and healing, within our culture and communities, across the United States. It’s euphoria. Its a needed clarity of mental wellness. And, it further asserts that our lives, too, truly matter!