When you look for the Light out there, and cannot find it, it means, it is Time — to Ignite Your Own Light
Life is full of surprises, some expected, others unexpected. Some are pleasant, others not so pleasant.
There are times in life, when we simply cannot see a way. When everything that we know and tried in the past or even now, is not working.
You search for the Light at the end of tunnel, and you can’t see any.
You search for the Light in another, hoping they can show you the way, but they too let you down. And you are still alone, in the dark.
When you are looking for the Light out there, and you can’t see it — it means, that it is time to Ignite your Own Light.
But how on earth do you Ignite your Light, and you can barely see anything?
When you look for a way and you can’t find or see a way, it means that time has come, for you to make a way. It’s as if the help you need or expected to receive is divinely not available, so you can finally, turn within.
But in the middle of chaos, confusion, or pain, the last place most people look is within. They search for the answers in other people, but never themselves. Why?
It is because, we believe that we don’t have the answers within us, and that if something is not working, then we must be the problem, and so someone else must have the solution.
We are the Problem. And we are the Solution.
How do we see the solution at the same time as being the problem? How do we Ignite our Own Light?
In order to Ignite Your Light, you must first turn within, and strengthen the relationship you have with yourself, and the relationship you have with your Creator.
We are part of the problem, when we fail to see ourselves, our lives and our circumstances clearly. And so, in order to become part of the Solution, we must first clear away the barriers in us, that blind us from the Truth and from the Light.
But many people want to hold on to their pain, to the darkness and to everything that is not working out.
“You cannot hold on to the Darkness and the Light at the same time.
To Ignite the Light, you must first make a decision, that you are willing to let go of whatever darkness is present in your life right now.
The second step is clearing, so you can see clearly. One of the ways to do clearing to Surrender to God, and ask God to help You see yourself clearly. Just this acknowledgement, will begin to shift the energy.
Another way of helping you clear the illusion of darkness, is to use Affirmations that help you reconnect with your True Self and your Divine Self.
I personally worked with all Affirmation Sets from Awakening the Goddess Within, and every time I did so, something shifted in me. The person who started reading those affirmations in one low state of mind, was completely another person at the end of the session — it was like a dark cloud was out — I could not only see myself clearly, but I remembered Who I really was, and I remembered My Own Power & Inner Strength. The more I did them, the stronger I got.
The third way to clear, is to separate yourself from your Mind. To remember that YOU are not your mind. You control your mind. But 90% of the time, the Mind controls us. It goes away thinking thoughts, that cloud your Light, as you begin to believe those thoughts. This is why Meditations is so important, for it helps you to clear your mind, and think clearly.
The Work is to keep clearing all the layers that cover our own Light
Igniting your Light, is not a once-off job, or a one second job. Just like if you want to get a six-pack you don’t go to the gym once and expect to have a six pack for life, Igniting your Light, requires a deeper commitment and relationship to yourself. It requires that you create time and space, to be with yourself and work on yourself. It requires that you commit to always increasing the levels of Love Within you.
Because whatever love we currently have for ourselves, is not enough and not even close to the Love God has for Us. It means that we must raise the bar so high, so that we can be showered and overflown with Love from Within.
The Power of Love goes beyond what we even know. It has the power to heal all aspects of our lives. Literally. As we continue to remove more layers and barriers that cloud our Light, we can begin to Ignite our Light.
Awakening the Goddess Within: Self-Love Affirmations:
Article Originally Published on: https://www.naralee.co/nara-lee-blog/when-you-cant-see-the-light-ignite-your-own
Self-Love Inspiration Quotes from: https://www.naralee.co/inspirational-quotes/?category=Self-Love
About Nara Lee
Nara Lee, is a Spiritual Transformational Teacher, Social Entrepreneur and Artist. She helps Women awaken their Inner Power and to tap into their hidden resources to cope with life’s most challenging situations in order to create more Purposeful and Meaningful lives, aligned with their Life Purpose and True Authentic Selves.
She discovered this calling after an incident of domestic violence, in which she almost lost her life. At the time she was living in London and working as CEO of an International Real Estate company. She took time off and embarked on an incredible journey of Self-Healing, Transformation and Empowerment which led her to discover a hidden reservoir of potential and power that we all have but don’t use.
Connecting with Nara Lee
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Originally published at medium.com