Undoubtedly, we will all fail at something. Whether it be a new hobby, project, career, or company, when we try something new, we open ourselves up to fail. That is a universal truth. But what separates the winners from the losers? What inspires leaders to forge on in the face of failure? It is removing that fear of failure and knowing that every opportunity is a win-win situation. The world’s most successful people know that you never walk away from failure empty-handed. NXT Group CEO David Zhao explains how failure opens the door to possibilities. 

Failure vs. Opportunity

“Failure or a closed-door will open the next door,” states David. “There is no real failure except when you do not take an opportunity.” In short, the only way we can fail is if we do not try. When we do not try, we are closing ourselves off from the opportunities which put us on the path to success. It’s about getting over that fear and understanding that there is no real failure. Failure is a result of hard work. Failure means you are on the right path. Failure opens the doors you may not have realized, were there, and leads you towards what will become your real success. “Success is a journey, and you will hit failure on the way. Don’t let fear obstruct your path,” says David on the stage of the United Nations.

If you can look at failure as an opportunity, you’ve already got your foot in the door. Carry on. 

Embrace failure

“Never let your circumstances or failures determine who you are,” explains David. “Embrace failure, embrace your flaws and mistakes, and look at them as opportunities for personal growth.” David strongly believes that failure and mistakes do not hold us back. They are building blocks towards a better future for ourselves only if we face them unafraid and allow them to shape us into the people we want to be. “More often than not, we build our lives from failures, not success. Don’t let failure hold you back,” says David. 

Celebrate failure

“We make more of failure than what it is,” explains David. “The truth is people forget. No one remembers your failures, so don’t be so hard on yourself.” Recognizing that failure opens doors is something to be celebrated, not feared. “When you lose the fear of failure, every opportunity becomes a win-win situation.”