The best people always put others first. Those are the people we want to be around.

The best people in business always put the customer first. Human interactions always take priority. When you put the needs of the customer first, relationships are won.

In many ways, every relationship is like a business deal. There needs to be value and there needs to common goal alignment. If you treat your relationships like customers, you will probably treat them better than you do today. 

True salespeople commit to prioritizing people first, always. Businesses are run by people. Relationships based on empathy, understanding, and goal alignment will always find success.

Value is determined by the buyer (the other person). The people and sales teams that grow are the ones who understand the client’s wants, desires, and needs by making every interaction worthwhile.

Rules for Engagement:

Rule # 1: Make Every Interaction Beneficial (insights & proof)

Rule # 2: Show Empathy Through Curiosity (understanding & goal alignment)

Rule # 3: Proactively Solve Real Problems (be present, expertise & execution)

Valued sales reps don’t waste the customer’s time. Wasting time is a choice.

Common Theme: Empathy will win relationships. With enough understanding, the best sales reps create measurable positive change, that always will win sales.

Customers want to Improve – the best sales teams show them how.

Most companies and sales reps do this wrong. They talk about themselves. They want to be “seen” as experts rather than provide expertise. The best companies don’t talk about themselves.

The best people and companies create a unified mission. The best sales reps and companies paint a vision of the future and invite others to join them.

Your best friends help you look good. The best sales teams help the customer look good. 

They turn their friends and clients into heroes, over and over again.

Top performers create a connection based on mutual understanding, and sales always continue to rise for them. Connection solidifies purpose and relationships.

The best sales organizations don’t waste time. 

They don’t waste the customers time and they don’t waste their own time. If you are growing, time is not being wasted. 

With complex B2B sales, there are lots of people to listen to and lots of needs to understand. Major enterprise sales have lots of complexity to simplify and lots of value propositions to explain.

The top producing sales reps work hard to find the quickest path to solving real problems. They understand the business and they understand the customer. They understand the product and they collaborate to drive new processes that change behavior.

The secret to more sales and better relationships is delivering better execution through innovation and insight. This can only be done by putting people first.

The more we give, the more we can help. This is what the best sales teams do. This is what the people and companies we all want to work with do. They give more than the others. They give more service. They give more results. They give more solutions.

The people we always want to be around are those who give the most. 

They deliver the most. They help the most.

This method serves everyone, everywhere.

connect with me *originally published at*

P.S. – 

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