Nancy McKay Amazing Outlook Coaching

“It is the ability to choose which makes us human.” ~ Madeleine L’Engle

Once again, I lean on Maria Shriver for inspiration. I recently read her recommendation of the book “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by Greg McKeown and the importance of focus. Like Maria, I love when friends suggest books to read because I, too, love to learn. I am looking forward to reading and/listening to it. (Yippee! It’s on Audible!!)

With regards to focus, Maria poses the question: “What are two areas you want to be great in?”

Two? Only Two?

Evidently, the lesson is not to eliminate the things that you care about but to focus on why you care about them so that when life gets in the way it’s easier to set boundaries. Focusing on what really matters helps us become more effective in all areas of our lives. So, what do I choose?

This is difficult. This seems really limiting. I’m currently laser-focused on my new career as a Life Coach. Self-care is also something I want to focus on, as I’ve mentioned before, and I’m having one hell of a time getting into the groove on that issue! I also want to be a great wife, and now a new mother to our two adorable, mature Westies, Maggie (8) and Tommy (10).

I will ask you…

Where´s your focus? What are the two thing you want to be great at?

Do you know? Are there things in your life that get in the way of you reaching your goals? If so, how can you get focused?

My mantra is, “Do more of what feels like love and less of the stuff that doesn’t.”

Does that sound like a mantra you could live with, too?
