There are times in her/history, where certain musical delights transition into starry memories. You don’t get these treasures often. In fact, when they do come, the night stars, surround their very Being. Protects their very artistry! Their voices invoke glitter in the stars. They are truly angels. Its why they are legends, as their legacy continues, on.
Certain angelic voices have a way of intertwining our notions of love into a higher plane. Performing the true definition of higher love! They bring calming story telling to its notions. Clearly articulated and tranquil in their ability to convey the many Beings, who stay up late, in order to dream with the stars. Those individuals who use the night’s sculpting to connect with, love! One of those voices is none other than the late Selena Quintanilla-Perez!
Her song, “Dreaming Of You,” is a poetic, love tale of people, who are able to connect with lovers, and those whose love they seek and desire, during the night. A special world of intimacy and spiritual connection, with the Universe. Listening to this classic, which showcased the late Tejano singer’s ability to crossover, is a soothing experience! Its one of those musical ballads, which brings comfort and enjoyment to the night. Easing stress or the agony of having to stay up in late hours of the night, for completion of a tasks, or use artistry to capture the night’s painting.
On a further note, “Dreaming Of You” is also a tale of a woman’s desire to connect with someone, who may be distant. Someone who is unaware of her love for him. Or who is hard to reach. The song indicates a barrier between her and the man she loves. Since there is a barrier, it is through the night, where she is able to connect with him. Thus, it is the nightly realm, where this invisible poetry is able to arise. The night is a safety net. Furthermore, it is a comfort zone. Free of stress. Relaxing. Enjoyable. A quieting of one’s fears and worries. That’s the beauty of this song, and the poetry, supporting it. The genius of the song is how it transitions night into a space of beauty, artistry, and love! The nighttime is not a scary place. It is not a space of fear or night. The song is a subtle defiance to any slanders of the night sky. The melodies and background sound brings a musical texture, which illuminates a silkened nectar to the song. Lyrics invite listeners to go into the world of imagination. Compelling us to dream. If we closed our eyes, what would we see, or envision, in the magic of darkness?
Another interesting component to the song, is how Selena Quintanilla-Perez compels us to envision this merging between reality and fiction. The power of attraction, and how our dreams attract the fruits, or people of our desires. This is especially if the connection is Soulful, holistic, and ordained by Heaven. What do we do if that person is unable to be near us, for the moment? What do we do if that person is trapped in a situation? A circumstance they really don’t want to be in, was tricked into, or pressured in. How do we get them to hear us? To feel us? Knowing that we are there, dreaming of them.
Late at night, while all the world is sleeping I stay up and think of you And, I wish on a star, that somewhere you are thinking of me to. . .
Wonder if you ever seen me, And, I wonder if you know I’m there If you looked in my eyes, would you see what’s inside, would you even care? I just want to hold you close, but so far, All I have are dreams of you So, I wait for the day, to have courage to say how much I love you Yes, I do
Reading these very words, the magic cannot escape. You feel the ability to draw a person near (spiritually, mentally, and emotionally), through the oasis of dreams. Pouring one’s desires into the Universal night. Connecting with that person, by thinking of their image! Celebrating that image into the night. What a beauty to have music intertwined in such? After all, it is music, which is the voice of the Universe. This whole song is a telepathic experience. Attracting our holistic desires, through our mind’s connection with a greater power, at hand. The final segment of the song makes that very clear.
Late at night while all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you And I still can’t believe that you came up to me and said, “I love you.” I love you, too. Now, I’m dreaming with you tonight til’ tomorrow, and for all of my life And there’s no where in the world I’d rather be, then here in my room dreaming with you, endlessly
Now love with the man of her desire has finally happened. He does not stay in her dreams, as now he’s part of her reality. Can you imagine these endless nights of connecting with someone, on a spiritual and emotional level? Finding proximity with each other through Universal divinity. Having that connection blessed by the stars. Engaging with them in this way, for many nights, and finally being next to them, in the living, great flesh. Continuing to show them pleasantries of your Being, while far away. So, that when the meeting occurs, there is no sense of being unfamiliar. For you have known each other, before. You simply had to re-discover each other in these present times. Let us not forget the nightly dreams, in continuing with one’s true love. Let us not forget that the world became still, as one dreamed. A special world was tapped into, when other’s engaged in night’s slumber. It was that alone time, which allows night’s intimacy.
Wow! Visions of making that reality happen. A miracle, indeed! From a dream to the physicality. Connecting one’s feelings to the world of invisibilities. Its another example of magical realism. Furthermore, the song is a reminder that we are co-creators with the Universe. If we align with its principles and virtues, we could have our heart’s desire. Whether it be peace, calm, comfort, well-being, or love. That’s the power and magnitude of this song. Its a Universal treasure! Silent, and a teacher to us all on the mysteries of life’s love.
As the birthday of Selena Quintanilla-Perez has passed (April 16, 1971), the production of “Dreaming Of You,” is another reminder of the significance of those vocal angels. Those special singers, who truly bring the Universal essence with them. They are more than entertainers. They are far more than performers. Who they truly are, are Heaven’s melodic messengers! The texture of their voices, how certain instrumentation is crafted and designed in their songs, is all aligned with Heaven’s sound. That Universal artistry, which cannot be owned or cheapened. Attempts to silence these angels, never work. No one can stop Universal sound, or the messengers, who bring them. Period!
The sacred beauty of such classic ballads as “Dreaming Of You,” is how they remind us of the essence of calm, and our treatment of the night, with gentility. Re-positioning our bodies into a statement of comfort gives us this opportunity to reach into the stars; into the heavens, during the night. Releasing any stress and removing any rigidities of the mind. Soaking up heavenly auras, in a way that is natural and soft. Being open to comforts of the nighttime, so that we can receive. “Dreaming Of You” paints a magical world, where a person transforms one’s bedroom into an oasis of Heaven’s delight! Inviting Universal wonders and enjoying them, while on Earth. A beautiful performance! A healing elixir!
Just remember the power of dreams, and their ability to overcome realities’ barriers. That constricted realities are nothing more than dreams, once denied. Translation. . .continue to dream. Dream them until they become the reality, we seek. Dream of your desired reality, until they are no longer, dreams!