The most valuable information I know about Tribes I learned in
– The Marketing Seminar – studying with entrepreneur and best selling author –
Seth Godin. Please take a look and enjoy the read!
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Saba Tribes are people who love Saba and love sharing what it has to offer. Whether you’re visiting or you live here, Saba is a remarkable place with extraordinary beauty and easy living that meets the dreams of many people — divers, hikers, explorers, nature lovers, artists, vacation enthusiasts, relaxing, enjoying great restaurants and lodgings and… with the internet, it makes it fast and easy for members of these tribes to communicate what they like about Saba all around the world.
Tribes is not a new word or idea, it’s been around for millions of years, but it’s used a lot these days to describe how people connect.
Tribes have similar interests, needs, purposes, values, beliefs, activities, passions and joys that unite them. Living, working and playing together.
Tribes are also known as: fans – clusters – a pack – a clique – a herd – clubs – gangs – teams – a group.
- Families and friends
- Business owners and employees
- Unions, charities, organizations
- Different nations and cultures
- Brand choices and products
- Social media connections on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp
Why are tribes important?
Tribes are about belonging and believing — deeply being part of something that matters so much to them they want to talk about it and have it known. It might be a cause, an activity, a special location (like Saba), the service they received from a business or person, a restaurant, a new product. They don’t tell everyone. They’re selective and that adds to Saba’s appeal and status.
Tribes lead.
Tribes are persistent and powerful.
Tribes make things happen.
Tribes give and share and help others; caring about humanity and working to create positive change.
Tribes know how to really live life and they do it with passion, commitment, exactitude and fun.
Saba’s tribes are leaders
- Conservation authorities in the management of Saba’s National Marine Park and extensive network of hiking trails
- Diving experts who know the world famous Saba Bank
- Hiking specialists guiding you along the historical trails and up to the top of Mount Scenery
- Hotel and restaurant connoisseurs offering Saba’s generous and friendly island hospitality
- Local and international artisans living and running businesses together on Saba
Saba’s got fans
Fortunately Saba’s not a tourist trap. Not for the masses but… home to many loyal fans:
- Relishing the peace and safety of Saba
- Savoring Saba’s exquisite nature and climate
- Building a legacy for family and friends returning each year to favorite hotels, rentals, private homes
- New tribe members buying land and building their dream house
We belong to many tribes
We moved to Saba 6 years ago from New York City because the beauty and quality of life were incredible to us. Saba reminded us of how life is supposed to be lived… natural – generous – not rushed – peaceful – uncrowded – friendly – gorgeous weather and setting – safe.
We’ve built quite a wonderful life here. One we don’t want to get away from.
We belong to many Saba tribes: expats — property owners — residents — business owners. We’re not just real estate agentsbut leaders and teachers helping people learn all about Saba. We’re sharers – meaningfully reaching out to specific tribes and people so they know Saba exists.
Here’s our promise – we’ll tell you the truth and give you the answers you’re looking for because we have the real experiences of relocating, buying land, renovating a house, running a business. We’re living the day to day change and dream you may be thinking about right now and we want to be helpful. To make a meaningful and positive difference for you and others. It’s our job to have that necessary conversation; to listen to what you truly want; to understand your ambitions, yearnings and even your fears, so you can answer this important question —
The Caribbean island of Saba: Is it right for me?
Don’t miss out
It’s exhilarating to be part of the free spirited tribes of Saba who have a place where they can get away from the madness of the world. We’re constantly learning from the tribes of Saba. Who they are as groups and what they want collectively and individually. What do they desire? What are they avid about? What don’t they like? More and more people see the value and the benefits Saba offers and are making smart choices to invest in their future; visiting, renting and buying properties.
Saba Island Properties has loyal tribes and counts on its tribal members to talk about Saba because that’s how Saba gets known. One person tells another and another and pretty soon 10 people know and visit Saba, and then 50 and eventually there are 1,000 new people who connect to Saba, ‘get Saba’, like it and adore this unspoiled island both on and off season; part-time and full-time.
We walked away from ‘the norm’ and we see others following and doing the same because
they see the life opportunities available on Saba and… they don’t want to miss out.
Come and be part of The Tribes of Saba or… create a new group.
The possibilities are wide open.
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*Expat authorities on Saba island life and real estate*
Take a look at the tribes we’re connect to and see what they’re talking about
Saba (+599) 416 . 2777 / USA + 1 . 631 . 604 . 4435 / Skype:
Emails: [email protected] or [email protected]
Originally published at