People’s attention spans have shrunken to just a few minutes or less, leaving no time to take in anything extra. I used to be the Get What You Want! coach. Now those four words are too many.
So how do you streamline what is already streamlined? How do you let go of what you’re attached to?
Reducing is the new personal and business brand. Reduce waste. Reduce words. Reduce redundancy.
Know Your Self
If you can’t say who you are and what you do in one word, then do you really know yourself? How can you brand yourself?
The one word that describes you now doesn’t have to describe you for the rest of your personal and professional life. Life is fluid. You are fluid. Branding is fluid too.
To stay on top of your game, you have to accept yourself as a profusion of attributes. Your brand is the same. Just as you don’t stagnate, you don’t want your brand to stagnate either. Both you and your brand keep evolving.
If you could brand yourself with just one word, what would that word be? How would you stay fluid? How would your business benefit from that same fluidity?
Monica Magnetti is an innovator. Push the boundaries of your comfort zone and reach your full potential. Dare to change your status quo.
Ready to streamline?
Vancouver Executive Business Coach and Life Coach Monica Magnetti has written the manual for you!
Download for FREE: the book, the summary chart, and the workbook exercises.
Originally published at