No doubt “Health is Wealth”, but do you think that are we striving to acquire this wealth? If we just simply look around ourselves we can easily find individuals suffering from either physical health problems or mental health problems. As health is a matter of concern for many people, extensive researches have been made to analyze the causes that are leading our generation towards health-related issues. A recent research article published by Environmental Health and Preventive Medicine Journal states that in Japan approximately 19.4% of women and 17% of men are facing health deterioration. In such a situation COVID acts as icing on the cake.

Here the question arises what are the core reasons behind the decline in health conditions? To answer this question many researchers and health departments have conducted researches to know the undermining reasons.  

Unhealthy Eating Habits

Among the primary causes behind health-related issues, eating habits play a primary role. Mother Nature has designed our body in such a way that it requires plenty of nutritious food to build its defensive mechanism which shields our body from different types of bacteria. Consuming junk food and high sugar content products can create hindrance in the defensive process resulting in making ourselves sick.

Commercial Advertisement Campaigns

All the company’s ultimate goals are to earn a hefty amount of profit for which they run deceive campaigns masking a low-cost product in a way so that consumers might consume it without even thinking about the long-term impact it may have.

An imbalance between workload and family life

Though money has always been and remains a source of attraction for almost every person but creating a balance between work and life is the real art that everybody can’t master. Extensive commercialization in the corporate sector and isolation in the domestic sector have heavy imbalanced the health equation. People stay several days and months away from their family just to provide them food and a better lifestyle compromising on personal health.

Technological Advancement

Scientific inventions are meant to bring life at ease, however, with numerous benefits inventions do have certain drawbacks that shouldn’t be neglected. Extensive automation of products and communication gadgets have significantly affected the environment and human life. Health issues such as insomnia, exhausted and blur vision, depression, etc. are the illness that costs an arm and a leg.    

Is the environment more responsible for the situation or us?

Though today’s environment is hyper-dynamic, I believe a human being still has enough ability to compete with the external factors keeping his potential under consideration.

What can be done to tackle this situation?

By working on few tips we can save ourselves from health deterioration and live a healthy life they are:

  • Eating that is healthy and minimizing unhealthy eating habits
  • Plan a daily routine that includes a workout routine
  • Semi-annual medical visit to a doctor so that early diagnosis of any suspected disease can be made.
  • Restricting use to gadgets to only when needed
  • Spending leisure time with friends and family
  • Planning short vacations rather than being a couch potato
  • Consuming organic products and saying NO to processed products.

Still, there are many ways by which we can enjoy a healthy lifestyle but the thing which matters is that how much we care about our health. Showing more concern towards health and creating a better and healthy environment will not only benefit us but also facilitate other generations to come. To end on a note:

“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness”. (Joseph Pilates)
