Chief Executive Officer or CEO is the most coveted job positions in the corporate spectrum, with a starting salary of more than $200,000 a year. Every business graduates aspire to be the CEO of a company one day. The job role requires a unique set of skills which not many people would normally possess. It is true that CEOs are exceptional in their abilities and skills. CEO-material is a professional characteristic that normal employees may not necessarily have. A typical CEO has profound business acumen, is usually but not necessarily graduated from a prestigious institution, he/she carry a rich experience in the field and have amassed important skills for the said job role. A CEO is also relentless and ready to take on the everyday challenges which remain consistent with the job. They are always needed to make the right decisions on every step and there is little margin of error.
There is not much choice between meeting those challenges and succumbing to the pressure, all the while playing the power game against those who are constantly putting efforts to bring you down. The job role may appear to be fancy and glamorous but the underlying truth is that it is one of the most difficult places to be in. Many CEOs branch out and fail from effectively delivering on the job and there are major reasons for it.
It’s lonely at the top
The role enables you to lead an organization of hundreds or thousands of people at a time. Seeking help from others go against the natural structure of being the top executive. The working schedule allows does not allow you to make time for other priorities in life, so hiring a counselor would seem practically difficult. Days, months, and years pass by where you cannot actually talk and seek advice. Besides, scandals, health problems, and the crumbling pressure of the job are also the primary reasons why CEOs tend to fail.
However, the part where a CEO does not have many options to turn to in seeking advice or counseling is changing due to the presence of organizations like CEO Connection that specializes in helping and counseling mid-market CEOs. CEO Connection allows CEOs to network with another, talk about their most difficult challenges, and seek advice from one another. It is like a social hub where all CEOs come together to understand each other’s challenges, offer to counsel, and simply make friends.
CEO Connection acts as an intermediary for members to connect with each other, utilize an array of resources, opportunities, and platforms to help themselves and stay on top of their game. CEOs have tended to perform better when they can resort to their group members, socialize, and seek their advice on a problem that they are facing.