Why Everybody Should Learn About Narcissism

I’ve had many hobbies and interests throughout my life. I’ve studied law, been a musician, and even a hypnotherapist. And out of everything, the most useful thing I’ve learned about is narcissism. Here’s why learning about narcissism has helped me so much…

There’s More Than You Probably Think

Around 1% of the population is diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. But some studies estimate that around 6% actually suffer from it. If you know 50 people, then statistically 3 people will have it.

Most narcissists don’t seek diagnosis. For a start, many aren’t aware of it. And also by the nature of their problem, they think they’re perfect and there’s nothing wrong with them.

There’s a serious lack of knowledge about narcissism within society, and even within the medical profession. And many narcissists become experts at hiding in plain sight.

Whole New Light

Since learning about narcissism, I see the world in a whole new light. I see how so many problems are caused by narcissists. It could be problems within families. Problems in the work place. Or even problems within society.

Narcissists are those difficult people that hold everyone back. They put people down, control them, and wear them out.

Now I can spot a narcissist before they become too ingrained in my life. And before they cause me too much damage. In my opinion this knowledge is worth more than all the money in the world.

Even The Rich And Famous Aren’t Immune

Many wealthy and successful people have been ruined by narcissists. Including A-Listers and royalty. And their lives have been made a misery.

They’ve lost half their fortune or more. Endured severe psychological harm. And their physical health has also declined.

And at the end of it all, they haven’t a clue what really happened. Part of them believes the narcissists narrative that everything was THEIR fault. Leaving them vulnerable for more in the future.


Freedom is worth more than money. What’s the point of having money without freedom? And narcissists take your freedom slowly by stealth. They isolate their partners from friends and family. And make them dependant on the narcissist. But that’s not all.

They take the essence of who you are. You lose touch with the people and things you love. And after a while, some people forget who they are. They have no time or energy for themselves, because it was all focussed on the narcissist.

The narcissist demands to be the centre of your universe. And at the forefront of your mind at all times. Nothing less will do.

After a few years, most people become a shell of their former selves. Their mental and physical health in decline. Unhealthy, anxious, and depressed. Their spark gone. But this CAN be reversed.

Learning About Narcissism Helps Recovery

Learning about narcissism fast tracks your recovery. Yes you learn some harsh truths on the way. But they’re necessary for your long term well being.

You learn that things weren’t all your fault. What the narcissist was REALLY up to. And how you were played all along.

Prevent Future Harm

Armed with this knowledge, you’re better equipped to prevent this from happening again. You can spot the warning signs of a narcissist before they become too ingrained in your life.

Narcissists are pretty formulaic. And once you learn their behaviour patterns, it’s easy to predict what they’re up to, and what they might try next. Helping you to prevent future abuses.

Final Thoughts

Knowledge is power. Some people are magnets to narcissists. And when one leaves their life, another one soon shows up. Learning about narcissism breaks this cycle, and sets you free.

Free to become the person you’re supposed to be. Free to pursue your dreams. And free to discover what your dreams are.

If Narcissists’ powers are blunted, they’re forced to change. Most narcissists won’t change because they don’t need to. Their narcissism gets them what they want. So why change?

Learn as much as you can about narcissism. It will help you enormously in your personal and work life. And this knowledge can be use to help your loved ones.

Most people when they read about narcissism realise that some people in their lives are narcissists. And realise how they’ve been using them for years. How they play the victim to get what they want. And how they control those around them.

Please click the following link for many more free articles about narcissism – http://Narcissisms.com
