The fresh air smells good and supplies oxygen to the brain’s needs for thinking agile and alert. But newer, more energy-efficient buildings don’t always provide enough of this brain fuel. Why? It is possible that ventilation systems newer do not make an exchange of indoor and outdoor air as often as older and “cracked”. And if enough oxygen is getting in, the building’s ventilation system may not circulate fresh air effectively. The airtight rooms are poor in oxygen and rich in carbon dioxide, an inducer of drowsiness. Outside air contains about 350 parts per million of carbon dioxide; according to some studies, levels in office buildings rose to 1000 parts per million or more; enough to cause numbness and fuzzy thinking. Another danger, if you live with someone who smokes, is secondhand smoke.
1. Open the window
If you notice that you feel drowsy, have headaches, or experience a drop in mental energy and you live or work in an energy-efficient building (many homes built after 1970 have this quality), you may be breathing recirculating air that it is not fully oxygenated. The solution? If possible, open a window or door to the outside you can get triple pane windows in Winnipeg. If not, be sure to go for a walk at lunchtime and add another ten minutes outside in the afternoon break.
2. Ban smoking in your home
The long-term exposure to smoking liabilities increased between 30% and 250% risk of dementia according to a study by the University of California. In another study of more than 5,000 non-smoking older adults, published in the British Medical Journal, researchers from the University of Cambridge found that those with elevated cotinine levels (an indicator of recent exposure as secondhand smoke) were 44% more likely to have dementia than low-level ones. Mental exhaustion is not just a problem of the elderly; In research on high school students, passive smokers suffered a 30% decrease in their chances of passing standardized achievement
3. Reduce clutter
Some people thrive on chaos, but for the rest of us, a messy world creates stress and distraction. The piles of papers and objects piled up remind us of all the things we should be doing, and, at the same time, it makes it more difficult to finish something (Where is that checkbook?). The clutter around you could contribute to poor decision-making and fuzzy thinking. According to neuroscientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, navigation screens in fighter jets that display too much detail (known as “visual saturation”) affect the pilot’s ability to find a target. Also, Internet sites with too many additional features on one page prevent netizens from locating the information they are looking for. The disorder depends on the glass you look at. It is suggested that a chaotic desk may be more conducive to creativity than a neat one. But if your goal is clear thinking and less stress, it may be time for a cleanse.