If you have ever started and run a business yourself, you will have on more than one occasion had to worry about money. How are you going to make payroll, how do you settle the supplier or make sure the electricity is paid on time? The occasional late salary to employees is almost a norm with start ups and small businesses.
I started my business 12 years ago, with no capital, just growing it by reinvesting the money we made. I usually got my salary late, or months late, but I always managed to pay my employees and my suppliers (often small businesses themselves) on-time, which was my priority.
There were many times when the end of the month was looming and I thought – what am I going to do. I had no assets or cash resources to tap into, so if there was no cash in the bank, then there was no cash.
But somehow, every time, the money would come through.
A client who had defaulted for months would suddenly make a payment, an advance for a new project would come in – somehow we always made payroll. Not once did I have to delay. I didn’t know how it always worked out.
That’s when I started believing that – if you give, then you get.
I live in a developing country where ‘beggars’ are always around and people trying to sell small home-made items often show up at your window when you are stopped at traffic lights. If I have any cash on me, I am in the habit of giving them something.
Many people have questioned my choice.
You only have two hundred rupees in your wallet and you just gave it away?
The more common one is – You know it’s a scam right?
To the latter I always reply when I give, I give with good intensions so I don’t lose. If they misuse the money, then they lose. There is no way to know who is really in need and who is scamming so I would rather give hoping to be helping someone genuine than not give at all.
There are so many times in the last 12 years, when I wondered, where do I get the money? And somehow it always worked out. I have racked my brain many times – and the only answer I could come up with is, whenever I can, I give and therefore when I need, I get back.
The last year has been a tough year for me, and I found myself questioning so many things. Why is it always still a struggle? Why do I not have more money? Have I been making the wrong choices in life?
Then I realised, I am not rich, but I live a good life. I have a roof over my head, I travel, I eat what I like, I am able to do things for my family, my friends, I am able to splurge from time to time. Things may not always be easy, but I am able to do the things I want to do. When I need to – there has always been away, whether it was to help a family member, go on a trip, or even manage an unexpected expense that would come up. Despite not having a lot of money, somehow there was always a way.
I can’t quote a scientific study to back up my beliefs; all I have are my experiences, and those of a few people around me.
What I have to say to you is – Give.
You don’t have to make large donations or give big things. It doesn’t need saving or planning, just give WHAT YOU CAN, WHEN YOU CAN. Even if it is just to buy someone who is down on their luck a sandwich and a cup of coffee. What you gain goes beyond that moment of gratification as you see the smile on their faces. What you are doing is putting out some positive karma or energy or whatever you choose to call it into the universe and one day that will come back to positively impact your life.
Giving benefits you twice – the good feeling of the moment, and the positivity that stays in your life and gives back to you when you need it.