Having the right mindset in anything that you do is very important

Often times in my own life, I’m successful because I had the right mindset. I have been able to overcome the biggest obstacles in my life because I had the right mindset. I achieve goals that I set because I have the right mindset. I attract people that are doing big things because I have the right mindset. One of those people is Christian Axios! I got to sit down and ask him about how important having the right mindset is when you’re pursuing your passions. His answers are things that you can apply to your own life.

Who is Christian Axios? 

Christian Axios is a 21-year-old entrepreneur who has built a 7-figure solar company in under 12 months. Building a 7-figure business isn’t something everyone can do, especially barley being 21! So, what’s the difference between Christians success and people who are looking to get to where he’s at? Having the right mindset!

What is the “right mindset” to have in business? 

“The “right mindset” would definitely be one in which you have set out on a goal that you have committed fully too and then to take action toward that with the mentality of giving value in whatever service/product you provide.” – Christian Axios

What role did having the right mindset play in your success?

“Having the right mindset played about a 90% role in all of the results and successes that I have been able to acquire and maintain. The first step to all achievement begins with a decision in one’s mind to grow into the person capable of whatever it is you choose to endeavor.” – Christian Axios

How does someone develop the “right mindset”?

“Through years and years of research and experimentation, the “right mindset” has become an exact science to which anyone can replicate. To develop this way of thinking and the persistence to overcome all adversity someone faces you must study the lives of great individuals and attain a mentor. The right mindset starts with a burning desire with an unshakeable confidence in achieving a particular thing.” – Christian Axios 

One of the reasons I asked to interview Christian is because I had seen his success first hand over the last two years. I have been able to see his growth and see how he has been able to impact others on his journey. Take the answers he gave to the questions above and apply them to your own life. Who knows, maybe you could have your own 7-figure business in 12 months too. 


  • Jourdain Bell

    CEO & Co-Founder at Beast Media

    Jourdain covers success stories of founders and companies who are making an impact on the world. His work has been in The Hustlers Digest, Kivo Daily, Future Sharks, Thrive Global, Awaken The Greatness Within, Buzzfeed, On Mogul and Disrupt. Jourdain also works for one of the most active Venture Capital Firms in the world, Alumni Venture Group as an IRM.