Depression and anxiety: two fully-loaded terms.

Depression and anxiety looks different for everyone; which means this may be for you and it may not be for you.

I was put on prozac when I was just 14 years old (yikes). My mom and her husband at that time were in a very toxic relationship, and to “protect” me, I was taken to a doctor and prescribed medication for fear that I was unhappy. I gradually started to believe it; that I was depressed.

That something was wrong with me and I had to be fixed. And the only way was by medication. I’m here to tell you that it doesn’t have to be that way.

Now, I’m no doctor, but I am an expert when it comes to knowing what my body is telling me. My mood swings were not normal and the constant brain fog was starting to freak me out.

One day, I made the decision to be happy on my own. To stop blaming others for my situation and to take responsibility for where I was in life.

At 16, I poured my prozac in the toilet. As I hit the handle and watched the pills swirl and become consumed by my toilet, I felt a huge weight lift off my shoulders. (Now, make sure to consult with your doctor before doing this. This is what worked for me). I felt free. Free from my problems and free from worry that I would never be happy again.

As a reminder, I am human; I do get sad and anxious at times. I may be a six-figure business owner and private pilot at age 20, but I will admit to having days/times of sadness and anxiety.

Here’s how I combat those feelings:

  1. I remind myself that most things we worry about never actually happen
  2. I remember that I am the creator of my universe
  3. I journal 50 things I love and I go and do those things

I am a huge advocate for self-care; especially after my collapse.

I challenge you to write down 50 things that you love; and that can be whatever you want it to be.

It can be as simple as a cup of tea, a good book, spending time with someone you love, hanging out with your dog or maybe shopping and eating your favorite Italian dish.

Whatever it is that makes you happy; do those things. Being happy doesn’t have to be hard. I strive to do 10 things I love from my list everyday; I challenge you to try this today. Put yourself first and you will be amazed at how great you feel and your performance in your life.