Often times I get asked why do I tell my story. Today I can truly say because I have to. It is one thing to know you are alone But it’s a different struggle to know that you are not alone and yet it still feels that way simply because people are not talking about certain illnesses. The biggest stigma associated with maternal mental health issues, is the shame that comes along with it.
Therefore breaking that stigma of shame is the biggest part of why I do tell my story.
No longer is it Ok to not say how you’re feeling mentally from day to day and automatically have the expectancy that others will look down upon you. Silence is killing woman and children every day.
So now, when I get asked the question Why I Tell My Story My response is Why Not Tell My Story. Change is the inevitable the question is are you apart of staying in the past or moving towards a better future. If you want to share your story Go to Our Website and Submit your Information. I created the Shades of Blue Project to “Help Women Heal” and that is exactly what we will continue to do
#shadesofblue #helpingwomenheal #tellyourstory http://www.shadesofblueproject.org/tell-your-story.html