Today I’m going to talk about a BIG reason introverts don’t like doing Facebook Live videos, or any videos for that matter. And I’m going to give you a tip that will serve as a workaround for this issue.
The problem is that when you’re doing a video, you can’t see who you’re talking to! And many, if not most, introverts are energy-sensitive. And this means that we rely a lot on the energy we see around our audience, and the non-verbal cues that we see.
And when we connect with an audience, it’s really connecting at that energy level. But what happens when we’re doing a video? We don’t see any of that! And instead, we’re looking at our own face! And that’s the last thing you want to be seeing (especially when you’re my age)!
So how can we connect with our audience when we can’t see them? How can we enjoy that connection?
The answer is actually kind of simple.
It’s LOVE – But wait a minute!
There’s something going on in the brain when we feel that love for our audience – whether it’s talking with a girlfriend at a café or giving a keynote speech to an auditorium-full of people… that is a love connection that we feed off of.
So, if we can’t see our audience, how can we feel that love?
Well, what’s happening in the brain when that’s going on is that oxytocin is flowing. Oxytocin is known as the “love hormone.” And it’s also known as the “bonding chemical.”
So what we have to do is get oxytocin flowing in our brain before we do our videos. So it’s OK that we can’t see the actual people who are going to benefit from it.
So how can we feel that connection? How can we get oxytocin flowing?
Well, before you hit that “video live” (or record) button, you want to do a little inner work. You want to focus on your love for your message and your mission, and your love for the people that you’re helping. You care about the problem that they have that you can help them with.
So just do that inner work of feeling that caring about them, that love for them, and get the oxytocin flowing – and then you’re good to go.
Let me know if that works for you!