Many times, we may be going through severe stress without being aware. We may feel more forgetful, tired, foggy or anxious. Stress symptoms come in many forms, and we may not be aware of the difficult situation we encountered. Due to the high demands of life, our seemingly never-ending task list leaves very little time to quiet our mind and self-reflect. As process of self-reflection is crucial for our growth, leaving little time for inner improvement should become our number one priority.

Below are my top 4 reasons for why self-reflection is not a luxury but a necessity. For more information on my work, feel free to check out my work (A&E – social media agency NYC).

My favorite time to self-reflect is while taking a walk alone or just sitting in nature.

  1. Self-reflection allows us to discover our purpose: we are often conditioned to follow a certain “pre-determined” path that stems from societal, communal, or family expectations and what is “respectful and worthy.” Many of us never fully question our individual journey, and we often automate the selection process even when it comes to important decisions. Self-reflection enables us to uncover our deepest passions so that we can make decisions that maximize our well-being and happiness.
  2. We draw energy and motivation from getting to know our “deepest” self: self-reflection allows us to pinpoint those “triggers” that are responsible for our optimal functioning. When we tune in and closely monitor our behavior, we can discover precisely those factors responsible for our drive and motivation. We are then able to re-create those empowering agents and draw inspiration whenever we need it.
  3. The only way to help others is to first help our-self: Self-reflection allows us to not only help ourselves, but also become more beneficial to those around us. When we are at our optimal functioning, we are able to not only maximize our happiness but also assist others in need.  
  4. Self-reflection allows us to heal: often, we carry past trauma that hinders our ability to achieve optimal functioning. Self-reflection allows us to tune into past trauma and heal; we are able to pinpoint the source of pain, address it in a logical (almost third-party perspective) and let it go so that we no longer carry the burden.

Self-reflection can serve as a part of our mental hygiene and allow us to lead happier lives. When we tune in to ourselves and reflect on underlying emotions, we can discover our purpose, draw inspiration, take action, help others, and heal from pain.  
