Being based in northern Europe, it takes a bit longer for spring to reach us. Although we do start to see the signs with lighter days and hearing the birds chirping, which is reassuring that the winter will come to an end. There’s always a sense of rebirth that comes with the spring. One of my favorite sayings is:

Life is change, Change is constant. Growth is optional.

Like the seasons changing each year, there is also a consistency in that change that is also comforting. Many people say they are resistant to change but in reality it is the unknown that makes them uncomfortable. When you can change your perspective to see that all change gives us an opportunity to grow, then you can step into the unknown with excitement rather than fear.

It’s great that neuroscience can start to explain this in a way that makes sense. When we are in fear, we have cortisol and adrenaline running through our bodies, which actually cuts off our ability to think clearly and make rational decisions. When we are looking forward to something, it puts our mental state into curiosity and expectation, which actually helps to activate oxytocin to be produced in our prefrontal cortex or executive brain. This is where we are able to see with a larger perspective and activate our creative thinking.

When you become aware of the neuroscience behind our interactions—it helps to be able to relate to everyone as a human being. It helps to eliminate the divisive thinking that separate so many people. After all, we are ALL spiritual beings having a human experience on this amazing planet.

I like to compare this to water. If you have a puddle of water–after a while the water grows stagnant and starts to smell. But when water is constantly flowing like a stream, it is fresh and rejuvenating. This IS life.

So embrace the changes and know that you can be in the driver’s seat of your own growth!