Just yesterday I joined the Thrive writers community. I was excited. I had no idea what I would write about but I’ve never let that concern me and the perfect subject always seems to appear at the precise moment I need it to.

Let me tell you a little about myself otherwise you’ll have no context and no reason to believe anything I tell you. I grew up in a predictably dysfunctional family of Atheists which led me to choose depression and anxiety for decades. I committed to this fully (I’m no quitter!) and only decided it wasn’t my destiny when a failed suicide attempt left me homeless.

I “stumbled” upon The Law of Attraction which led me to discovering Theta Healing®

And before I knew it I was connecting to The Creator, being guided by Angels, healing people and hanging out with fairies. Who saw that coming? I didn’t. But it did and that’s who I am and what I do. I find people’s limiting beliefs and fears and I remove them and replace them with empowering beliefs that change their lives. Oh and I believe in magic and miracles. How could I not when I see them every day? If you don’t, you just need to change your definitions.

Now given the above you could be forgiven for believing my life is perfect, without challenges and I spend my time spreading love from atop my pet unicorn. I wish. I’m still human. Sigh. I still have fears, limiting beliefs and face challenges. I just choose not to let them get me down or give up on my dreams.

A few months ago I answered a siren call from the magical city of Istanbul and moved here from London to work. I knew nothing about this city my soul knows is home; I knew nobody here and I had exactly £1.11 in my bank account. I did have a return flight but having given up my home in London it was hardly a safety net. That job didn’t work out. I lasted two months. One of many mantras I live by is “What is for you cannot pass you” and I like to add “What is not for you cannot last”.

Six months later, I’m still in Istanbul. Happier than ever with no plans to leave. What has any of this to do with losing your job you ask? Yesterday I was “released with love” ( you may say “fired”) from my 4th job in as many months. I’ve taken each of these jobs purely so I could pay my rent and eat. They were all teaching jobs. I love teaching. Sort of. When I can teach people about beautiful things that make their heart sing and open their minds. I love to show people how there is more to life than working for someone else 70 hours a week doing something that slowly shrivels your soul. Nothing brings me greater joy than seeing a client shake off a fear or a limiting belief and move forwards into a life of joy without stress, fear, angst.

The job I lost yesterday wasn’t like this. I was “allegedly” teaching teenagers from elite Turkish families and preparing them for university. I was asked to teach them how to “analyse poetry”. What? Who decide this needs to be done? Why? I’m quite certain that Robert Frost, Byron et al wrote with love, passion maybe to release their own pain but I’m sure they never intended for us to sit around and dissect the meaning. I was encouraged to criticize my students. NO. Sorry not sorry as the vernacular goes. Nobody ever gained a life long love of studying and literature from being criticized I’m sure. I was encouraged to teach these truly gifted, charming students that life is hard, that you can’t always do what you want and you often have to do things whether you enjoy them or not. Every fibre of me rejects this down to my soul. THIS IS NOT TRUE. This is NOT how life is meant to be. Trust me- I speak to Angels and Creator and this is not our purpose.

So, yesterday I arrived to be told “this isn’t working out” and I was paid for my time and left. As I was handed what I was owed I realised I could pay my rent and still have around $100.

Now there was a time this would have left me filled with fear and anxiety. My chest would have tightened. I would have stumbled home fighting back tears. Terrified. Panic stricken by the “HOW”. How will I survive? How will I pay next month’s rent? How? How? How?

What actually happened is that I hugged by boss goodbye and left the building with my head held high and a huge grin stuck to my face. FREE. “What is for you cannot last”. I have no doubt the reason I’ve had so many short term jobs is because the Universe is showing me that it’s working on something AMAZING for me and I just have to be patient. That I’m never going to be hungry or not to be able to pay my rent because something will always turn up to keep the day to day stuff ticking over.

However, if a job that didn’t make my soul sing came along that I could do, that paid me a gazillion dollars an hour; well I might just get lured into that fear pattern belief system that happiness depends on a stable, steady income. I might lose my desire to continue healing and spreading love and light and that would deprive so many people of the joy and happiness I can bring to them.

Never think of it as “losing” your job but being set free to pursue what is really meant for you. Don’t let the panic take hold. There WILL always be another job so don’t sweat it. Think about what you need to do. Think about that desire that burns so bright in your soul that you would do it even if you didn’t need the money. Focus on that. And sure, it’s not always easy so go get a job to keep you afloat. Get a new job every week if that’s what you need now but don’t settle. Don’t give up your dreams. If we weren’t destined to realise them, we wouldn’t be able to conceive them.


  • Julie Lachtay

    Global Theta Healing® Practitioner and Happiness Junkie

    Hi Beautiful. I have a tendency to be super chatty and waffle so I’ll do my best to keep this short and sweet- like me. I grew up in a small town in a family who liked to remind me I was a waste of space and would amount to nothing. I chose to believe that for a REALLY long time. It led me to depression, a suicide attempt, homelessness. Blah blah. Now I’m a certified Happiness coach, a Theta Healing® practitioner, co-creator of Sacred Soul Awakenings, a published writer and I have a First Class (hons) BA. Take that Dyslexia. I specialise in helping amazing women free themselves from anxiety and get their JOY back.   I have a magical life filled with love and miracles. I'm currently in Chiang Mai and I have NEVER been happier.