You know those days.
Those messy mornings when you…
You’re rushing to go nowhere.
Take up early and are not sure where to begin…
Just want a little calm amidst all that chaos.
The first thing you do when you wake up will set the tone for your entire day. If you want to move through your day with more energy, awareness and confidence, start your day with activities that encourage those states of mind. If you want to move through your day feeling anxious, irritated and frustrated, there are things you can do to incite those feelings, too. The problem is, you might be doing some of those things without realizing it.
One way…. to prepare for the morning rush is by placing sticky notes on your bathroom mirror, fridge and other places your visit first thing in the am. They are reminders to NOTICE emotions, NAME the emotion, ACCEPT what is going on, and BREATHE (pausing to take a few deep breaths) before jumping into action.
Here are a few activities you can consider including in your version of an a.m. routine:
- Read for 10 minutes
- Meditate
- Exercise / walk
- Spend time outside (socially distance approved)
- Prepare / eat healthy food
- Make coffee/tea
- Practice gratitude – write down thing you are grateful for…
- Write (Journal)
- Play or listen to music
- Laugh
Every single morning represents a new beginning. We all experience this opportunity each morning to have a beautiful, successful day and start anew, no matter what may have happened the day before. A morning routine can help you slide into that mindset and dive into the day with a fresh eye.
What about you? Have you done anything recently to recharge your emotional battery?