Raising a Teenager Is No Picnic! On one hand, you want to respect boundaries and give your growing child the freedom to make their own mistakes and learn from them. On the other hand, you want to do everything in your power to protect your baby from everything… well, everything.
When it comes to online safety, social media for teens has its own unique problems… and it may go far beyond online predatory horror stories. That’s why it’s important as a parent that you engage in your teen’s use of social media.
Let’s be honest, not every parent is active on social media.
If your teen is using social media… there’s a good reason why you should too. Even if you don’t actively use social media, you should make friends with your teen so that you can and see their posts regularly. Not only will this give you a chance to see what’s really going on in their minds (because social media brings out a passive aggressive behavior in everyone, and teens are particularly concerned about their problems rather than facing them on Facebook). Chances are) but you can also recognize inappropriate behavior or posts, such as posting personal information.
That being said, there is no way to monitor your kids’ social media usage by never going online. Through parental control software, parents can monitor and restrict the use of social media apps.
Note That According to vikar Company Facebook has a filtering feature that may allow teens to hide certain posts from parents or other adults. Use your best judgment to determine if your child is filtering the posts you see.
While we’re going to be honest, most teens use Facebook or Twitter more than any other social media site.
Most parents are shocked to learn that their child’s social media accounts are on sites they probably didn’t even know about. Talk to your child and make sure you know every site they are using and how those sites are used.
open communication.
Parents who communicate openly with their children are more likely to receive similar attitudes in their responses. It is important that your teen feels safe talking to you, as fear of punishment can lead to aloof or rebellious behavior.
During a difficult adolescence, your child will want to test the limits. They will want to do and say things that you will not approve of. This is basic human nature. It’s important that you understand and respect this, while letting them know they can talk to you about anything.
Also, you should lead by example and initiate those difficult discussions with your teen. Have a deeper conversation about how social media can affect their health and well-being, including issues like body image. Even if you only get one-word answers when you ask a question, they’re still listening… and this establishes a comfortable environment for open communication in your home.
It is also important to discuss cell phone safety, where children can access social media sites easily and outside the watchful eye of parents. This raises issues of cell phone security.
practical secrecy.
Put the computer in a “public” place instead of in their bedroom. At your discretion, it may be a good idea to check computer and phone history regularly and it is essential that you know the passwords for all of your teen’s accounts… but keep in mind that infringing their right to privacy will only affect them. and can remove.
In short, trust your child enough to leash them and not infringe on their privacy without reasonable reason. However, maintain the ability to check on your teen if they begin to show suspicious behavior. This can be achieved through an internet monitoring app.
Establish boundaries.
Limits, rules, and guidelines may be imposed on the behaviors allowed on social media… as well as the amount of time spent on social media. Teens with smart phones are more interested in the cyber world and oblivious to the real world around them, but as a parent you can set rules to prevent this from happening.
Be aware of the dangers.
Internet security is much more than online predators or identity theft. In fact, teens are not the only vulnerable Internet users.
Even parents can make mistakes on social media!!! Did you know that you should never brag about an upcoming vacation, and that you should wait until you get home to post pictures when you take a vacation?