I’m not quite sure at what point I decided to take my spiritual life to the level it is now, as it continually evolves. I think it was in 2008. I attended a two weekend long, locked up in a room with strangers, experience called, Beyond Your Best. The weekends consisted of exercises that had my group truly taking an internal look at ourselves, along with the stories we had been playing in our heads over and over again. BYB was based off the Law of Attraction and the Secret. It changed my life, and I made life-long friends, though I would spend the next decade wandering on and off my spiritual path.
Last year, as I was going through a break up of long-term relationship, it was imperative for me to get back to my spiritual roots because something was off for me for way too long, and all areas of my life were suffering because of it. I began immersing myself in reading books by Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Eckhart Tolle, Deepak Chopra, Gabrielle Bernstein, Joe Dispenza, Lewis Howes, and many more authors that I respected and felt were spiritual mentors. I came to a REAL understanding that this life is so much bigger than we see on the surface, which launched me on the path of writing my own book, entitled, Unkcufwithable: A Guide to Inspired Badassery, which is currently being sent to agents. But truly, I learned how to fall in love with myself.
My life has literally changed in so many ways because I spend an over an hour each day in self-development and in my meditation practice. I wrote a post on my blog last spring entitled “Getting High On Yourself,” which is about meditation, because once I began feeling the literal vibrations inside me and around me, I knew something huge was happening. I began focusing on what can go right in all situations. Fear diminished drastically and a hope emerged that I cannot begin to explain in one post. I know in my heart, all things are possible.
Despite the hate that is in the world and our political climate, I have adopted a “nothing can touch me” attitude, and it is not my job to change others, rather be an encourager of an abundance mentality and be a complete lover of life and EVERYONE, which is becoming effortless so long as I stay completely aligned with my Source. You can call this Source God, the Universe, Energy, whatever. It is all the same to me. It is the Source of inspired creation from which we came, and at the end of day, we CHOSE to be here at this moment in time to experience this contrast in the physical world.
Every morning, it is imperative that we align with pure, positive energy and truly tune out the negative. I HAVE to do this through meditation and reading EVERYDAY. The most recent book I’m reading is entitled, “Money and the Law of Attraction” by Esther and the late Jerry Hicks. It has been mind blowing for me and has helped me change how I see our world. We are all connected. We are all spiritual beings having a human experience. If we choose to not top into our Source power, then we will wander aimlessly judging and trying to figure out what’s what.
Our thoughts truly create our realities, and getting ourselves aligned in a place that feels GOOD to us, raises our vibrations, and makes ALL things possible…all the things we dream of. But we have to allow for it, and any negative thoughts you have only put up barriers to your success.
While thinking positively all of the time, in every situation takes time and practice, being consciously aware of what you are thinking takes only one second to recognize a “not good” feeling, and immediately replace it with a “good” feeling thought. The Law of Attraction is a feeling-based law. Anything you can do to get yourself feeling good, even beginning small, like saying “thank you” every morning you wake up, or taking some time to move your body, choosing something a little better to eat, sending a loving note to someone, all of these things begin to raise your good feeling vibrations. And once you get up on that “high-flying” disc, you want to stay there. And it’s a beautiful thing.
Today, I would encourage you to download a meditation app for your phone. Begin small, get yourself vibrating so you FEEL it, and then work your way up. Use guided meditations to help you. The application I use on my phone is Insight Timer and it’s free for most devices. I urge you to begin looking for evidence of the positive impacts of you taking just 5-20 minutes a day to connect with the all-providing Source that you have access to. Here’s to perfect, positive health and abundance in ALL areas of your life.