If we want to reach new heights, new possibilities, we will need new approaches, change, and challenge.
The good news is that this is an absolute natural, necessary part of life. Not only for us, but for all living creatures. Enjoy this 1 min read on why this is part of our natural journey.
Did you know that when a lobster grows, it sheds it shell and goes into hiding to protect itself as its new shell forms?
The alternative, would be to stay within the comfort of its old shell. To never grow, to never push itself beyond this one stage, to remain the size it is forever.
But that would be unnatural for the lobster.
Its primal instinct is to embrace the change, shed the old, and cultivate a new version of itself. It pushes itself into the uncomfortable, the unknown, the unprotected. Because it is vulnerable at this time, the lobster takes the necessary precautions and plannings in order to stack its deck for survival.
If the lobster were human, it could complain about its symptoms, “Yeah, I feel an impulse to change, but I really don’t want to be uncomfortable, unprotected, or venture into the unknown. I like the way things are, I don’t want to find out what possibilities are on the other side of this scary time.”
Others would understand, and perhaps even suggest ‘seeing someone’ or ‘doing something’, to dull the lobster’s impulse to embrace change (sometimes our ‘something’ is distraction). The lobster would stay comfortably numbed into the life that it knows. Avoiding the uncertainties of uncharted waters, the agonies of newfound defeats, while never experiencing the thrill of new victories or perhaps a Mr/Mrs. Lobster. Just a flatline of sameness.
It’s up to the lobster to listen to its calling, no matter how scary it may be, to become what it has meant to become while being on this planet. Taking responsibility for its growth, reaching its potential, and stepping into what it could and can be.
I find comfort knowing the lobster steps up to the plate to face this challenge. It encourages me to do the same. And to do it strategically like the lobster does: to plan, take precautions, set myself up for success, to the best of my abilities, and then let nature take its course.
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