You probably follow a couple of coaches online. You’re in their groups on facebook, you may have bought a couple of their digital products and attended a few free webinars and I bet you’ve learned some really useful things that have helped you in your business so why the heck would you invest your time and money into 1:1 coaching?

In this article I share with you how working with a coach can be transformational for you and your business.


One of the big reasons my clients tell me they work with me is to get some much needed accountability. They might have been trying to get their business off the ground for a long time but they’ve struggled to keep themselves accountable while working a day job, looking after children and juggling everything else! 

As a coach I’m there to keep you on track with your goals and challenge you in a supportive way by helping you to push outside of your comfort zone as that is where the real growth lies.

Strategy and Planning

Having a clear plan in any business is key. Otherwise you’re just throwing stuff at the wall and seeing what sticks. My clients often come to me with a great idea of what they want to do. 

They might know some of the steps to get there but they’re not sure in what order to do them and when. It may have led them to procrastinate because they’re uncertain and a bit scared about the next steps. I help them to set clear goals and develop a solid strategy and plan to get there in a way that feels good for them.


Starting and growing a business is hard work. Anyone who tells you different is lying to you and themselves! Having a really strong reason ‘why’ you’re doing your business can help to keep you on track when things are tough but having someone to cheer you on when things are going well and not so well is amazing! Having a coach means your network will increase as they’ll be an advocate for you too. 

I love to be my clients biggest cheerleader. I’ll celebrate your wins and get you going again when you need it. Yes, your family and friends will hopefully be supportive of you and be at the sidelines cheering you on too but it’s great to have someone who ‘gets’ it working side by side with you. Who ‘gets’ why being featured as a guest blogger or getting a new subscriber or finally figuring out what the facebook pixel does is so important!

Experience and ‘Walking the Walk’

Whenever I work with a coach I make sure of a few things first. Are they qualified? Have they got experience of supporting people to do what I want to do? – Have they lived it? Do I feel comfortable being open and honest with them? Do they ‘walk the walk’?

I really pride myself on being able to tell my clients that I’m a fully qualified coach and mentor with over 20 years experience in HR and business. I hold a Masters degree in HR and studied Workplace Psychology. 

One of the reasons my clients work with me is because I know what it feels like to be in a job that sucks the life out of you, that you can’t imagine being in for another year. I’ve been there, done it and escaped it! I love it when my clients tell me that I’m warm and encouraging and they feel like they can be truly themselves with me yet I also challenge them to achieve the goals they never thought were possible. 

I ‘walk the walk’. I’ve invested thousands into my education and development and continue to do so so that I can be the best coach I can be and pass it onto my clients too.

Confidence & Mindset

When women come to work with me they have a great idea for their business and are committed to making it work. Where they fall short sometimes is with their confidence and mindset. 

They don’t see what everyone around them sees. They don’t see the things they are good at as valuable or extraordinary in any way. I work with my clients to develop their self confidence and improve their mindset to be more positive. 

I help them to uncover the things that have been holding them back and work through them. I support them to identify their superpowers and make sure they use them in their businesses in some way so they can feel more in flow in their work.

Mix of approaches

Many coaches use a combination of approaches to get the best possible results for their clients. As a qualified Coach and Mentor I like to draw on my 20+ years experience and use a combination of these as well and teaching to help my clients get the results they’re looking for. 

Quite often when clients work with me they’re at the start of their journeys as business owners and need practical support – step by step, as well as working on their mindset. I’ve found this approach has had the best outcomes for the women I work with as it takes into account the whole person with all of their experience and beliefs.


As I mentioned, when you work with a coach, feeling comfortable to be open and honest with them is important. That way you get to build a relationship with your coach. 

This is how I like to work with my clients – getting to know them and their business as well as their dreams and goals. It opens the pathway to new ways of working, collaborations and new ideas for their businesses. 

It means I’m able to help them take their ideas and turn them into reality.

Increase your chances of success and make more money

Everytime I work with a coach or mentor I learn from the experiences they’ve had in their businesses so I’m able to leverage their successes and misses. I’ve always made back my investment. 

It can feel scary to invest in yourself but a good coach will always be interested in your results and help you to learn how to be as successful as possible and if it’s what you want, how to start and grow a sustainable and profitable business.

I’d love to know your thoughts on this. Have you worked with a coach 1:1? Why did you choose to work with them? What results did you experience?