What’s stopping you?
I started my own business nearly 2 years ago and since April this year I committed to making it a success, no more ‘side hustle’, ‘side gig’ or ‘passion project’ this needs to be a moneymaker, there is no plan B. I’ve now been on maternity leave for 4 months and I’ve loved being able to snuggle up with my newborn and work on my business.
It’s been an eye opener, as a Virtual PA and Coach I’ve noticed several things about myself and other female entrepreneurs, we struggle to ask for help. That could be around the home or outsourcing elements of our business that we struggle with.
Do we feel like if we aren’t managing everything that we are in some way failing? If you outsource your admin or hire a cleaner does it feel like you’re cheating?
I’ve spoken to lots of women about the services I provide as a PA and the vast majority say they would love to have and desperately need some sort of assistant but can’t afford one. This got me thinking about how you’re actually suppose to grow a business all by yourself, especially if you’re a mum and you run the house? Sadly the answer is that you’re probably exhausted and sacrificing sleep and selfcare.
The successful women I spoke to said they made the decision early on to outsource tasks so they could give themselves more time to focus on the revenue generating part of their business and building up their clients. They felt confident about their business, they valued what they were doing and knew it was worth investing in.
Women need to really believe in themselves, stop doubting themselves, we need to support and encourage each other. I want to help women maintain the space they have created for themselves in the business world. They deserve to be there, be seen and be successful. I strongly feel that with the right basic knowledge and foundation for their business they can keep on growing and achieving.
With all that in mind I created an online course, which is more of an essential guide for women who have their own business, home to run and family to juggle. I wanted to address common problem areas such as mental health, wellbeing, task management, goal setting and prioritising. It tackles the core issues of business and personal life to create a better balance or blend, it will show you exactly how to create a solid foundation based on organisation, prioritising, planning and mindset.
This is a straight talking, no fluff online self-paced course for business women who need help getting through their to-do lists, admin and managing their day to day commitments but aren’t able to hire help in a form of a PA or Virtual Personal Assistant. I’m doing myself out of job really but I’ve witnessed so many women, especially mums who think that by being their own boss they can be there more for their children, which sadly isn’t always the case.
Sometimes it works, but when a business takes off or it’s in the early conception days it massively impacts on their family, and guess what, they feel overstretched, overwhelmed, hugely guilty, like everything is out of control and they are stuck on this hamster wheel so they scale their business back instead of asking for help.
I want to bridge the gap and help these women to be more productive and make them feel empowered, give them back time so they can be the best version of themselves, instead of suffering from burnout.
I’ve done some research and there are an awful lot of female entrepreneurs that have had to put their business on hold because they don’t have the help or funds to outsource tasks, which seem to fall on women time and time again.
Why are women’s businesses seen as ‘less’ important than a man’s career or business and why do women not see them as important?
According to a new study by the Boston Consulting Group, by closing the entrepreneurial gender pay gap the global economy could increase by $5 trillion but they have also found that women-led companies are less likely to stay in business. Despite all the political and economic mess entrepreneurs remain optimistic.
I find this deeply fascinating and this is why I love what I do because I want to encourage women to grow. Mental health and wellbeing are huge factors in the world we live in, we are all so consumed by technology, so we feel busy all the time but we actually aren’t being very productive at all.
This course contains everything I know right now and believe (based on 12 years worth of experience and research) to be of great importance to running a successful and productive business. There are no gimmicks or complicated formulas, it’s just simple, straight forward, practical methods, tried and tested techniques, tips and ideas to get business and life running better, all the information is all in one place. I also offer 1:1 sessions to coach women who would like to discuss their specific situations and would like a bespoke solution.
Motivation and passion aren’t dirty words, you are allowed to want to be better and do better, it’s ok to want more and have it. What can you change? What would help you?