In spite of day to day family and business problems, we still have some common issues that due baffle us almost every minutes of our lives. It may be a chronic cancer , anxiety, stress, weight lose and premenstrual problems for women. What will be your response when you seek a competent medical care and the doctor in charge said you should adopt a single health habit of running at least some few kilometers everyday?
Research shows that at least 35-45% of global population falls into the category called ‘’couch potato’’. About half of them normally drop from a structured exercise program they started within a short period of time despite it’s health benefits.
Could the women be considered?
By looking at historical context of exercise itself. One will notice that, in the beginning of 20th century, there is misguided belief that women may become victim of masculine or will end up having their reproductive system damaged after participating an exercise. It was then considered unhealthy to them and inappropriate to participate until the year 1920 when the Olympic team gave them a go head to participate in a certain game made for women then called ‘’Ladylike sports’’ and later in 1984 that a marathon designed for them were added to the Olympic games. Now things has changed in the one way or the other. From the teenage age, girls are learning how to swim and jog some few kilometers almost every morning. A study done at the Institute of Aerobics Research in Dallas, Texas, reported a finding to the longevity. More than 10,000 men and 3,000 women, revealed that a slight increase in exercise of at least an hour can reduce the risk of dying from chronic cancer and related heart diseases. In real life, it really doesn’t take everything to feel or be great and live longer, whatever you wanted to do to motivate yourself, you should do it with passion and fun because running itself was like a game to every one of us. Running is work and game is fun. We may never love it at the start, but it will get better when we go deep into it, and enjoyable when we master it all.