Let your imagination run wild
They say
Is that it?
That’s true liberation, right?
A wild imagination
Imagine, let’s say
If I was wild?
Frowned upon
Seen to be a creature of the devil
Seen to be a failure at life
For a woman who expresses
Is crazy, right?
And a woman who feels
Is too much, right?
I like the crazy makers
If crazy makers were welcome
We could enjoy the art on the wall
The dance on the streets
For to live in a world
Where only our imaginations run wild
Is almost like living in a jungle
Without trees
The essence is lost
The truth is hidden
Cast aside
Pushed away
So, women
Shall we? Shall we step into our power?
Instead, let’s imagine a world
Where not just our imaginations are wild
Let’s be in a world
Where we are wild