Our Humanity

It isn’t the blacks or the muslims or the native americans or the jews. It isn’t the gays or the drag queens or the trans community “out to get us” or take what’s ours. It’s not the left or the right or the rich or the poor, nor the lack of border walls or immigration laws and bans that threaten humanity.

These are but labels and pointed fingers and excuses for not helping each other. It’s our own minds that are turning us against each other.

We have grown fear the same way we grow food —manufactured to make a profit. Becoming accustomed to despair and dread and addicted to the pills said to “cure” it.

In many cases we’re addicted to our fear as well.

You don’t have to agree with me, I’m just asking that we love more.

Winter in America

Half of us spend nights awake asking how did we get here, the other half denying that we are here at all. We’ve forgotten how to show our children we love them. Remiss in telling them they are perfect —just the way they are, and beautiful and that its good to be kind.

We’ve left them no where to go but the streets for safety in guns and gangs, and needles. Feeling alone, we leave them, in their eyes —without many options.

Winter in America will be brutal without warming back up to the reverence for Life. We must be grateful for the rising sun. And for the gifts —yes, the gifts our children, yet have offered because we forgot to ask.

So, no —it’s not our labels of terror that want to kill us. It’s us whom labeled our children unworthy of our love. The saddest state of affairs.

You don’t have to agree with me, I’m just asking that we love more.

It may be your child holds the breakthrough needed to end alzheimer, or your neighbors son or daughter that may save a strangers life today. It could be our children’s children destined for something far greater than the fog banks of fear block us from seeing.

Don’t give up. Don’t give up on them.

The answer is simply we don’t have the answers.

May our civic duty and moral obligation ring deeply inside us asking us to bring representation from all walks of life to the table of Love.

May we willingly and in optimism come with open hearts —welcoming each others to beat with ours as one. Might we lift each other up with good intention to the highest vantage point. Up higher than the fields of debris on the streets of our thoughtlessness.

That is my wish.

The Answers?

The answer will always lie in the stillness of our likeness. In our vulnerability and our inclusion of everyone’s wellbeing in our decision making process. But, may we be most of all —kind to each other.


Richard is an online writer for the platform The Power of the Heart and Thrive Global, creator of yesrising.com, social change artist, partner of John, lover of sandy beaches, addicted to 90% dark chocolate, and has a bucket list that includes going to the Azores to feel his grandparents land.