Do not underestimate the thunderous words a woman isn’t afraid to speak.
Do not underestimate the powerful gentleness of a woman.
Do not underestimate the vulnerability of a woman’s cry.
Do not underestimate the strength of a woman when she is in pain.
Do not underestimate the smile of a woman.
Do not underestimate the confidence of a woman in a bikini, in a burqa, in a pantsuit, in ripped jeans, in second-hand clothes, in a saree.
Do not underestimate the woman who puts up with a lot of shit.
(Who takes none of it.)
Do not underestimate the love a woman gives, as grand as the ocean, beyond all faults.
Do not underestimate her steadfast intuition.
Do not underestimate the duality of fire and stillness that lives within her.
Do not underestimate the woman who can deal with change and uncertainty,
because she isn’t dependent on what she does or has
— but who she is.