Whether our global home stands or falls apart in complete destruction depends on women. The celebrations of the International Women’s Day this year should be a reminder of the fact that the female force is a unifying power and is the kind of leadership so needed in these critical times as the world slowly tries to get back on its feet from a long bout of COVID-19. Women have been at the epicenter of the pandemic, in the frontlines of healthcare services and particularly hit hard by job losses. But this could be used as an opportunity for a new start to shape a more balanced society.
When men receive such a strong impetus to unite from women, they will work to fulfill those demands and will strive to unite and balance with the unified form of nature that functions with altruistic connections between all of its parts. Therefore, women’s strengths should be directed to female unity so they could contribute to society’s prosperity and happiness through unifying their efforts into building a new, comfortable and welcoming home for human society.
Michael Laitman
Studies on the socio-economic impact of the pandemic show that women have been nearly twice as likely as men to lose their jobs as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak. As a palliative solution, the UN recommends a Temporary Basic Income for six months, the amount would vary depending on each country’s standard of living. We have reached a critical point where these measures should already be implemented and considered for a longer period of time.
On one hand, help should be provided to both men and women in a way that allows them to live with dignity, without excess but covering their basic needs. On the other hand, we need to make sure that every woman also has the opportunity to continue her work from home. If we thus use the time when we are bound to our homes in order to upgrade our awareness of nature’s unifying principle and to implement it in our relationships, we will then see far-reaching positive impacts of the COVID-19 crisis—a shift into a completely new and harmonious state among humanity, the likes of which we have never experienced before.
Through the pandemic, nature is trying to wake us to our need to make a further step in our evolution: to exercise positive, supportive, encouraging and considerate relations. Our selfish makeup is what led us to create a society that functions with each one trying to profit off everyone else; operating this way throws us all off balance. Essentially, we now need to reach a state where we care about others to the same extent we care about ourselves.
If we know the right place for men, women, parents, and children as components in society that complement each other, we will progress nicely in support and in mutual strengthening. According to nature’s structure, the female represents the desire to receive while the male represents the intention to give. Therefore, if women express a desire for humanity’s unity above all of its divisions and if they unite as a major force with this desire, they will urge men in the direction of unity.
Then, when men receive such a strong impetus to unite from women, they will work to fulfill those demands and will strive to unite and balance with the unified form of nature that functions with altruistic connections between all of its parts. Therefore, women’s strengths should be directed to female unity so they could contribute to society’s prosperity and happiness through unifying their efforts into building a new, comfortable and welcoming home for human society.
We will all feel as if we share a common home, like we live among a giant loving family in a completely new and upgraded kind of awareness of the laws of nature and the world we exist in. Now is the time to repair the world as only women know how to do.
I wish you success!!