“Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back”. This statement rings true on so many levels. It is indeed the women who came before us who fought for our freedom and laid the groundwork that enables us to honor the truest expression of ourselves today. I believe that as women, it is our innate responsibility to pay it forward by further paving the way for our young girls so that they too can dream without limits and achieve without resistance. “Girl Power” is not about proving that women are better than men. It is about encouraging and allowing every girl to know that there are opportunities and possibilities available to her beyond the limits of her imagination and that within her lies the power to claim and work towards what she truly wants for herself. There are so many colorful ways that we can stand strong as women and plant seeds of confidence, fearlessness, and empowerment for all.

Lead By Example

The young and impressionable girls that you come in contact with on a daily basis, whether they be your daughter, niece or student, are watching you. They are hearing each and every word you speak and absorbing each and every one of your actions. In teaching self-love and empowerment, we must first look at our own reflection in the mirror. If the young women in your life are not witnessing you truly loving yourself and being at peace with who you are, without conditions, these principles will hold absolutely no value at all. Start with yourself, and be willing to first be for yourself that person that you so want to inspire them to become.

Lift Each Other Up

Sadly and to our own detriment, there are still women who compete, undermine and degrade one another. How can we expect to stop being oppressed by men when there are women still oppressing each other? Understand that there is no competition here whatsoever. The beauty and brilliance that we witness in another woman, is only a reflection and a reminder of the light that exists within all of us. The next time you find yourself experiencing feelings of envy or wishing that you could achieve what another woman else already has, allow it to be a source of inspiration for you to know and believe that the possibilities for you too are endless.

Create Your Own Girl Power Community

The only way that we can truly strengthen our young girls, is to collaboratively share the principles of empowerment on a larger scale. Start a Girl Power movement close to your own home by using your platform, your voice, and your influence. Introduce our young girls to their own emotional intelligence and their capacity to truly honor themselves and have their own backs, and one another’s. Together let us bask in the glow of women illuminating the world in their own unique way.

Use Your Platform

Based on who we are and how we move through this world, we all have a unique platform available to us to empower the girls we come in contact with on a moment to moment basis. A mother has the capacity at seed level to instill principles of kindness and compassion in her young daughter. A teacher has the unique opportunity to show young girls how to access their own intuition to resolve conflicts and challenges. Within you lies the responsibility and the capacity to share your strengths and gifts in your own way to empower our future generation of women. How will you share your light? What’s your move?

Melody Pourmoradi is a Women’s Life & Wellness Coach. She thrives on supporting women to nourish themselves mind, body & soul to become the best version of themselves. She currently lives in NY with her husband and her beloved twin daughters. In her newest passion project, she is creating a GiRLiFE Empowerment training for mothers, coaches and others who are on a mission of empowering young girls to live a life of happiness, peace & success. Join Melody on her mission to bring true Girl Power into our communities worldwide. “Together we can create a pathway to instilling within each and every young girl the tools to love, honor and evolve herself to live her best life, always.” For more information, check out GiRLiFE’s Page.

Empower the young girl in your life by taking the 10-day Empow{her} Challenge

Originally published at www.huffingtonpost.com


  • Melody Gabay Pourmoradi

    Creator of the GiRLiFE Certification Program/Author/Life Coach

    GiRLiFE Empowerment

    Melody Pourmoradi is a twin girl mom, life/wellness coach and the creator of the GiRLiFE Certification Program; a digital training that gives women all the resources and education they need to create their own income-generating girls empowerment workshops. She believes that when girls are taught about nutrition of the mind and nutrition of the body with a strong emphasis on their own personal power, they become unstoppable. GiRLiFE is quickly becoming an important catalyst in the girls empowerment movement with hundreds of women globally sharing Melody’s curriculum. In her newest passion project, she wrote a book called “XOXO, from a girl who gets it: life notes for the young girl within”. It’s all about introducing girls to all of their unique superpowers  so that they can live a life filled with peace, health and inner freedom. Click here to join our movement or visit www.getgirlpower.com