“One Woman Can Change Anything; Many Women Can Change Everything” — Christine Karumba
I recently read Leading Women – 20 Influential Women Share Their Secrets to Leadership, Business, and Life. The powerful book is written by Nancy D. O’ Reilly, Psy. D. along with a team of strong-willed, successful women. My initial impression was the book might be better suited for more senior women in business. Was I wrong! The deeper I delved into the meat and bones of it, the more I realized the topics addressed affect all women. Most of us have a desire to feel empowered and get control of our lives. We aspire to find the true potential that help bring our goals and dreams to life.
If you’re looking to change the course of your life add this book to your reading list. May I suggest afterwards you pay it forward by passing the book along to a daughter, friend, colleague, sister or mother.
Leading Women is a loaner book from a good friend. She received it as a parting gift from a professor after her thesis. I was impressed by Dr. Reilly’s commitment to empower women. She did this not only with words but with action, as well. She’s the president of Women Connect4Good, Inc., a foundation of woman leaders that work collaboratively to help other women live a life with purpose. A life satisfied at work, home and place in the world.
The book helped understand my need to feel fulfilled is healthy and necessary. My truth is that in order to live a joyful and full life I must find purpose not only at home and work but within society. Being truly empowered means unleashing my personal power and making a difference in others’ lives. If each one of us can do this individually, imagine the strength we’d have in numbers. If we worked together to make one change at a time the possibilities are endless. We can begin by elevating one another at every corner of the world.
I hope you join me in this important journey. Show kindness to fellow women next time the opportunity presents itself.
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Originally published at awakened-woman.com