Today’s internet driven businesses often thrive on services as opposed to physical products, tremendous growth is seen in the e-learning and life coaching industries. Sophia Rising buried herself in personal growth and learning after climbing over difficult circumstances and exploring many entrepreneurial opportunities, before finding her true calling.

Sophia says now that she’s found the path that feels right, she’s inspired to spread that wealth of knowledge to more women who are still uncertain, wishing and trying to reach their dreams without a plan they are 100% confident in – she does this through her company Sophia Rising.
It was in recognizing that her power was always there, hidden underneath doubt and fear, that she found her success. She shows other women how to access the wisdom, strength and potential within them, and find clarity. With clarity, you can grow into a fulfilling future.
With online courses booming, she’s found a great way to share her vast knowledge, experience and passion with her clients as well as help them also tap into this opportune industry. She focuses on mastermind groups, courses, and private mentoring which help women pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and create an online business around their unique past and skillset. It’s easy to get caught up in analysis paralysis, but by having clarity, taking action, and having someone experienced in your corner, you can find your way faster.
She takes her clients through a strategic three-step process to become “Queens” of their lives, this process follows; first becoming your best self, then doing essential marketing & sales actions, and then having the impactful online asset created. The end outcome of these three steps allows women to live with freedom of time, freedom of location, all while earning income passively because of positively impacting the lives of others.

Sophia faced many painful experiences early in her life, then tried to take a good path by going to University for business, as she thought was expected of her. Only, the things she learned weren’t aligning with her business or life goals, so she struck a deal with her father by creating a business plan. She delved into multiple side-ventures, six businesses in all, before finally knowing at age 23 that she’d found her calling with her current path, her seventh business. That’s one committed woman!
Following your dreams to become self-sufficient and free is a path anybody can choose, but you won’t attain it until you take the leap with those first steps.
Sophia says, “It’s in our struggle that we can uncover our purpose. We get to choose to grow stronger with each obstacle or hardship that inevitably comes our way.” Having struggled abundantly earlier in life, Sophia now uses her energy helping lift up other women.
“It’s easy to daydream or get busy with designing a website or logo, and all that fun stuff, but if you aren’t actually serving people and bringing in money, you’re not actually “in business”. Busy-ness does not mean you’re effective or getting the results you want,” Sophia says.
Move forward. Take the leap. And if you need an extra push, motivation, and the experience of a successful business woman to lead the way, be sure to seek out Sophia Rising to learn more about her masterminds, courses and private mentoring, today.
Whether you’re just getting started with an idea, ready to launch, or stuck on what to do next to scale, joining her course or mastermind may be the guidance you need to accelerate your growth and live your dreams.
If you’d like to learn more about Sophia or her business course, you can find her group on Facebook or her profile on Instagram.